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Everything posted by zombiejun

  1. zombiejun

    Spawn with a hatchet?

    spawn with a hatchet? it's like the easiest thing to find..... find one LOL
  2. LoL I sure hope they will add some kind of skin to bandits, but i hope they do not make it look like the last one, it looked cool, so many people shot other people just to get it because it was kind of like a achievement..
  3. zombiejun

    Friendly mode

    this thread doesn't even deserve this kind of attention. it's NOT going to happen.
  4. well, actually you can't do it with a hatchet, you have to unequip main weapon, put it in backpack, remove axe from toolbelt, hit player 1 - 2 times, remove axe from inventory, equip mainweapon from the backpack.. what i'm talking about, is scrolling your wheel, choose option "stab player", job's done :)
  5. zombiejun

    DayZ pets

    oh. my. god. did someone actually just try to implement a f*cking goat as a pet that can "kick" zombies? What have this world come to.... -_-
  6. zombiejun

    Make Dayz Harder! Part B: Zombies

    zombies run too fast? what would the thread be if you could outrun them??
  7. zombiejun

    Make Dayz Harder! Part B: Zombies

    Nope. not. this. kind. of zombies. Have you watched the movie "The Crazies"? that might just be the kind of zombies you are thinking about, this is DayZ, Nowhere near what you are talking about, sry brow :)
  8. zombiejun

    Nerve Gas or Poisen Darts

    i don't like it, the idea is cool, but in dayz? noo ;)
  9. zombiejun

    Goal Implementation

    it's supposed to be a realistic survival game, you wouldn't get quests from the guy in the skies if it was real life^^
  10. zombiejun

    ALT f4 Suggestion.

    i hope so, will make things way better. tired of people alt+f4...
  11. if you're a bandit, you should be able to see it somehow from afar, as of now, everyone is shooting everyone.
  12. zombiejun

    alt f4'rs should abort life altogether

    not sure what you are saying... but i think what you mean is that you should get insta-slayed if you close the game by alt+f4 ? the idea seems got at first, but people could maybe get disconnected by bad internet or something like that, and that would maybe get them slayed too, so a think-through would be needed on this subject. :)
  13. zombiejun

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP2

    you guys are lame, stop hunting helpless players... try something harder, be other players friend instead of foe.
  14. zombiejun

    Whiskey as a Disinfectant

    nah, use the emty whiskey bottles with a gasoline tank and have a molotov cocktail, lit it with a thinderbox and throw :D would kill zombies, light up the night, damage players - all around effective, could be use to block off exits from buildings by bandits though, so someone should probably think this more through :)
  15. zombiejun

    NVG's - after fixes

    you sir, aren't really thinking... are you?... they might just as well make every night as lit up as day if everyone anyways got nvg... i have never myself had nvg yet, but it HAS to be really rare..... what use would flares then be? flashlights? think....
  16. zombiejun

    hunting knife and water bottles

    will make even more snipers........ you're SUPPOSED to be able to take care of yourself in the wild when you have gotten geared up and moved from the towns. people will still come for medical supplies. but i do think the hunger/thirst system works pretty damn fine atm. irl you wouldn't just throw away a waterbottle after drinking from it 5 times, a knife can gut LOADS of animals before it gets dull. specially because it is a hunting knife, it's made for the purpose.