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Everything posted by zombiejun

  1. zombiejun

    Better inspect bodies!

    unless your character is a paramedic/police investigator, i don't think so. but it could say something like recently/some time/long time ago :) that you would be able to see, if the blood has stained :)
  2. zombiejun

    Hostile animals in the woods/forest?

    i have been thinking about this too, but lets keep this realistic, animals rarely attacks unless it's a f*ckin' lion mate, and lions doesn't live in russia, so we will need smaller animals, and they MUST be VERY rare :) i do like the part of the game that all you have to worry about in the forests is players.. i think russia do have bears though, but as said befiore, they should be VERY rare.. i think someone should think this through.. but definitely we should try it out, it's still an alpha, that's where you try out things like this :)
  3. you can also pick up empty bottles and throw them, if i am correct they will go to the sound of the hit :)
  4. zombiejun

    Looking for Team members

    i'd love to join you guys, however i do have no need of weapons as i find it a fun and exciting part of the game to find it myself :) i am 18 and have been playing for 3 weeks, haven't really played arma, only to learn how to drive and fly, but played alot of dayz^^ If you're still recruiting let me know :) in this thread or PM me ^^
  5. zombiejun

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    I would very much like to play with you guys, i am currently 18 y/o, have 3 weeks of experience with this game. I wish to join you guys, because i used to play with 3 of my friends, but they all sadly believe the mod is garbage.. so now i am soloing all the time.. making friends ingame is the worst thing you can do.. they'll backstab you, iv'e got experience with that yes.. :/ So i would very much like to play with you guys! :) i do have TS3 btw :) Guess i will hear from you inhere if you will take me in?
  6. zombiejun

    Need antibiotics Bad!

    his name is 50calpik.. 50cal is some of a bullet... pik means dick in danish... not sure if troll with trollname or serious..
  7. zombiejun

    item that creates a "no zombie spawn" zone suggestion

    200 meters are you serious man? no. Though the respawn time is way too fast, should atleast be a couple of minutes....
  8. you just said it, you paid for ArmA... you didn't pay anything for the mod. well, feel free to leave this mod, leave us a better community without you :-)
  9. It's a part of the game you silly little noob, if you can't handle the perma death, go play counter strike ze_ XD
  10. zombiejun

    Classes for your player.

    yea, you should go play CoD little man.
  11. zombiejun

    A Deck of Cards is what we all need

    I like this, would also give you something to do when one of your mates goes AFK for some minutes if you are more than 2 :)
  12. zombiejun

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    PVP is an important factor in this game, but it doesn't make the game. pvp makes the game in LoL, CoD, BF and so on..
  13. zombiejun

    The realistic way about our body

    nope. go play san andreas if you want to play a game and keep your body fit at the same time. without cheats though..
  14. You are a person on a zombie apocalypse.. the helicopter crashes happened due to the infection, long before you were washed up on the mainland.... but they spawn randomly because of the loot is so rare and everyone would be camping if it wasn't for the random spawns..
  15. imagine how hard it will be to find ammo if they add more weapons than there already are out there..
  16. zombiejun

    Get Ghille suits from dead bodies

    ghilliesuits would be all over like any other item in the game...... i think it is cool that there are items that you actually have to find yourself and can't bandit yourself to get..
  17. it will be two different games... warz will be more like fallout, just with zombies..
  18. zombiejun

    Some things I would love DayZ to add.

    1: There should only be 1 tent and a fireplace, some common loot, and sometimes (very rare) some nice loot. this should then be the only way to get tents, by taking down a spawned tent, and bringing it with you. tents are way too common as of now, people just randomly place tents.. maybe place a skeleton at the tents sometimes as if the person who lived there died from starvation or dehydration ^^ 2: i just do not like the idea about wintertime at all tbh. 3: i liked the idea about rumbling noises when hungry and specially the part about shacking teeth when too cold, because i have no idea when my character is freezing at the moment.. but these should be VERY low sounds, barely hearable if so you stood right next to the character :)
  19. Hello Survivors, bandits and what's in between :) The title pretty much shows what i what i wanted to tell people, could be cool to add to the game ^_^ if you have a hunting knife, you should be able to finish off an unconcious player by scrolling your mousewheel on his body, and then select "finish off player" and then with a cool animation kill the player completely :} pros: - fast stealth kill, that doesn't attract zombies attention as a gunshot to the head would - hunting knife would server more than a single purpose - Doesn't cost valueable ammonition Cons: - could accidently be missclicked if you want to drag your friends body, but if the creators fo the mod just put the option in the bottom of the menu, it wont happen - hopefully. Can't think of more, tell me in the comments if you have thought of something ^^ /out.
  20. many of these are good ideas, adjustments are definitely needed, but it will bring more teaming up into the game :)
  21. zombiejun

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    it gets too much of like a war-game if you have to keep an eye out for mroe than 1 chopper in the air pr. server...
  22. zombiejun

    Stabbing people with the hunting knife

    You can't do this because you have aparently no gasoline ;)
  23. zombiejun

    Stabbing people with the hunting knife

    i do not think so, though i have been thinking about how to use the knife as well: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63335-hunting-knife-able-to-finish-unconcious-players/
  24. zombiejun

    Near hits should cause shock status

    for crying out loud, NOOBS read this: SHOCK STATUS: An icon that indicates you will faint the next time you log in, if you log out in any way. you'll be fainted for 3 or 5 minutes, can't remember. i like this idea of this thread! should be for sure. :)