It wasn't perfect before the patch but it has gotten far worse. It's basically not playable as is, where before it was okay. I gave my friend a transfusion in elektro and then proceeded to run to the hospital and surrounding buildings. For about the next minute my character was stuck where I gave him the transfusion. I was free to run around but my character, to my friend, was still just sitting there. He could loot items from my backpack and if an enemy came along, they could kill me. I have had numerous instances of just running down the road and falling over dead because my character is being shown where I was 40 seconds ago and somebody has shot me. Numerous instances of shooting somebody and waiting 30 seconds to see them appear 80meters down the road, dead. This combined with the monster load times my friends and I have been experiencing just before and now since the patch, makes for a poor experience. Initially load times were 15 seconds max, with mild cases of server de-syncing. Now it takes upto 5-6 minutes with issues mentioned previously. Is this just an Aus/NZ issue or is it widespread?