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Everything posted by Jehangir

  1. Jehangir

    The bandit's solution

    Why should bandits be penalized like this exactly?
  2. No. If you could distinguish people's morality or allegiance by a skin, it would not be DayZ.
  3. Jehangir

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    No. Just no.
  4. Your requirement for joining a clan is to operate solo?
  5. Aren't you guys on the CQF hit list?
  6. I was going to give you my beans. Then I read that you Alt+F4ed. Now I will take your beans.
  7. 1. It is not a game. It is the alpha of a mod. 2. You are a bandit. I would say well-deserved. 3. Whining won't get you anywhere!
  8. You might want to switch to BF3 or CoD. This ain't for you. The engine tries to mimic reality. Pretty sure if you got hit with a 50 cal IRL, even in the foot, you wouldn't live to tell about it.
  9. Jehangir

    How big of a dick am I?

    You made me log into my account just to tell you that you are a dick for wasting our collective time with this pointless story.
  10. Anything that you come up with, such as rewards for "good" players, is all the more incentive for bandits to shoot you. The salvation officer camp will be perpetually camped by bandits. This is the beauty and curse of emergent gameplay. At the end of the day, bandits kill you for fun and for your loot. Regardless of how you get said loot, you will be a bigger target. Especially if your "humanity" affords you exclusive loot.
  11. I do not agree. In a game where you are hunted by players and zombies alike, your social meter should go up if you don't interact with people. by interacting with zero people (zombies and players), damn near nothing can kill you (except falls). So I don't agree. This isn't Spec Ops: The Line. The paranoia, the fear, the adrenaline does not have to have an artificial system for it. It works very well naturally. If you have played it long enough, you are paranoid, you are afraid, and you do feel that everyone is after you and your precious precious beans. As you acknowledge yourself, Rocket has plans for dog companions. More animals: agreed. We need deer and bears etc. Possibility of animals attacks: debatable. The problem with animal attacks is the "realistic" nature of he game. If a mountain lion got close enough, in reality, your gun will likely not help you, and one strong attack will take you out. Tone it down, and it becomes a joke. This is a very debatable point. In principle I agree. Practically, hardly possible. Training animals to attack others or zombies, terrible idea. Meh. Even now, with deaf and dumb animals, the problem arrives when you have to light the fire to cook the meat. That is the scariest part. If anyone sees it, they are coming after you. Again, debatable.
  12. Jehangir

    Canned food

    Excellent idea. Warm food can do 400 instead of 200. Steak still does 800. I can get behind that. For this idea, you can have my cold, cold beans.
  13. 1. Why would a trash can have useful loot? Except for empty cans. Why would a doghouse have anything useful? I don't disagree with loot spawning outside "buildings", but these two suggestions make no sense. 2. Agreed. Occasional should be tones down to infrequent. They already have a huge aggro radius, and buildings litter the map everywhere, even miles from towns and settlements. 3. Uh... why? 4. I am all for more melee weapons. The chainsaw is a dumb idea, this is not L4D2 and it is not Duke Nukem. 5. Big plus for this idea. Molotovs are actually pretty easy to make. The only in-game item missing is rags. And you could double bandages as a rag. Do you feel this is the start of a "crafting system?" 6. Morphine is very easy to find. No offense mate, but it seems to me that this game may not be for you. Every one of your suggestions (except maybe 2) is an attempt to make your life easier.
  14. Jehangir

    Buddy Spawn System

    Nope. Terrible idea.
  15. 1. Debatable. If you have tested for long, especially as overwatch, weapons can be pretty damn inaccurate and zeroing adds to this fun. 2. No. There is no merit to this suggestion. You didn't even provide any arguments for it. 3. No. This is why we have the option of Newbie, Regular and Veteran servers. You want that? Go to a veteran server. Give the new player (or ones that prefer 3rd person) a break. 4. Yes. This has immense potential, and should be implemented, though there may be some engine restrictions on it.
  16. Jehangir

    Alternative food sources

    Why pick berries when you can have my beans!?
  17. You are testing playing the alpha build of a mod game. Things will be broken, tried, removed, added, retried, until the mod takes shape.
  18. No. Much like epi, it makes sense that someone else transfuses you. Transfusion, in real life, is not something you can do on your own.
  19. Jehangir

    New sense: Smell?

  20. Jehangir

    Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

    Decent idea, and it may actually have some application in end-game. But I think in larger squads, (excluding abilities), people naturally transition into these roles. You can still have my beans though.
  21. Jehangir

    Playable zombies

    No. This is not Left 4 Dead. Also, I am taking your beans.
  22. Jehangir

    Which map would you like to see for dayz?

    As a Muslim, I found this incredibly offensive and callous. No it is not funny. No it is not tongue-in-cheek. It is simply offensive and unjustified.
  23. Jehangir

    Which map would you like to see for dayz?

    Are you kidding me?
  24. Jehangir

    Make zombies a real, persistent threat

    My starting experience is practically the same. But I would say play for more than two days. You will realize they are not as simple as you may think.
  25. Jehangir

    defibrillator in the game.

    Let us not turn this into World of Warcraft. Dead is dead.