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Everything posted by Cireva

  1. Cireva

    Ghillie suits & Camo clothing...

    @sKynZ you cant take ghillie suits from dead bodies if theyre wearing them
  2. Cireva

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I dont get why the team just doesnt reupload them :/
  3. Cireva

    Ghillie suits & Camo clothing...

    my mate could equip camo clothing without problems
  4. Cireva

    DayZ Graphics

    try to higher your 3d resolution abit, should make it less blurry
  5. Cireva

    ArmA Combined Operations Not Launching

    started steam as administrator? try verifying game cache and defragment cache files
  6. Cireva

    Spawn / Spawns

    it normally says at spawn at which area youre at
  7. Cireva

    Underground Bunkers

    It actually is confirmed that there will be instanciated underground bases. I like the idea of collection ressources and lvling up your base
  8. Cireva

    Fuel tanks near the shore?

    check out this : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31558-fuel-spots/
  9. yep my whole group got killed by a hacker, its just so sad....
  10. Cireva

    Fuel Spots

    wow thats awesome mate
  11. Cireva

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    good work dude
  12. Cireva

    Just got this game a few days ago...

    seems you got a bit lucky and youre on a nice server ;)
  13. So 6Updater should have the correct files now?
  14. Cireva

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    Yes but they shouldnt be too many
  15. really hope the best for DayZ!
  16. Cireva

    Scaring People - PART 2!

    Love it!
  17. Cireva

    DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

    and still you got the most badass rifle :D