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Everything posted by karrr

  1. Its just a 5 foot fall disguised as a bear trap, it breaks your legs
  2. karrr

    Help ASAP please.

    Cities have more objects and buildings, no way to stop it only getca better gpu or lowervgraphics settings
  3. Hopfully you dont get banned by the butthurt admin and he takes it back thats what happended to me and my friends exept their were about 6 trucks and cars loafed with toooons of guns ammo anything you cqn imagine
  4. karrr

    Zombie Speed

    Zombies would be decomposing so Id imagine they cant hear see or run as well. So they should run a bit slower
  5. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    Are you saying I teleported everyone to the airfield? I dont even have access to a computer till thursday. Im on my phone if you were going to say how did I type th.is
  6. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    So this admin isnt going to be punished? Do the members have any power againts the dirty admins or are the moderators too lazy to punish him for disobeying rules. I have read them and he is clearly not following them
  7. karrr

    Kidnapping on DayZ

    I have a M107 and a M1A4 CCO in my cyote backpack :P
  8. karrr

    DayZ Screenshots!

    ^ Okay now your just waiting for your things to be stolen | |
  9. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    We'll if he cannot prove that my friend was scripting then he should return all of the cars and un ban us all from the server. He simply denies to submit proof because he has none!
  10. karrr

    Kidnapping on DayZ

    I probably looted a grenade then through at a group of you and take the rest out, yea I'm a dirty bandit lol
  11. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    His loot was much more impressive than ours, he had almost every gun in DayZ in only 1 truck. and he had 2 trucks, and then all the other cars. He had 1 bus 1 Ural 1 brown truck that looked like Ural 1 off road pickup 1 dirt bike 1 Uaz and I believe 1 more I don't remember
  12. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    Someone misunderstood, no one was banned from battleye.
  13. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    None of us are banned from battleye we can get on all other servers. We were banned from his server
  14. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    How would you feel if you stole about 5 cars totally packed with supplies toooons of guns and a lot other stuff, then some admin comes along and banns you and takes them back. We killed him then he banned, If we supposedly scripting a lot of things then he would of banned us then instead of us killing him then he banned us. He just banned us because he couldn't kill us and get the stuff back legitly
  15. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    This is not a ban appeal this is a request for your server to be blacklisted cause you abused your powers and cheated
  16. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    I have read what you have said on my friends topic, please post evidence on my thread of us having scripting
  17. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    I can't wait till you are blacklisted
  18. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    Please do show me evidence of whatever spawning or this scripting thing you talk about, I have spawned things in singleplayer but I do not think you can do it in multiplayer. We stole your stuff fair and square, we did not scripting anything at all. You banned him after he killed you so I think you raged, we deserve all of your stuff cause we found it. You banned us when we were protecting it, you were clearly trying to get it back so you banned us after he killed you so you'd get it back easy
  19. After we got banned and lost all our cars on 275 by a a butthurt admin, we found a new server and found a van :D Theeeennn this happened Now how did I manage that?
  20. karrr

    DayZ I Got a Van! Or.......

    We have fixed another car after we found another server in stary and my friend went to go find an engine part while my other teamate and I were fixing an ATV, and he came back and it was gone
  21. karrr

    Kidnapping on DayZ

    Man I wish I could have been kidnapped when I spawned :(
  22. karrr

    Most useful glitch in the game?

    That happened to me with my friend lol
  23. Me and my friends had a camp on US 275 and our car was blown up, so we went towards NW airfield and found a camp of 1 bus 1 ural 1 usz or something 1 uaz 1 dirtbike 1 uaz 1 offroad truck, and we stole it. About 1 day later the admin found where we were and started to fight for it back, we were winning then he banned my 2 friends (Not me I was asleep) so we couldn't fight for it, I log in and everything is gone even our tents that we did not steal. Now is that aloud for an admin to do that? I think US 275 should be taken down. One of my friends topics about it: /topic/33760-us-275-raped-me/ To admin of US 275: Your a dirty cheater I hope your servers goes down.
  24. karrr

    Dirty admin on US 275

    Cant curse on DayZ forums, k?