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Everything posted by karrr

  1. Yeah k, your just the type of people that are on the internet that comment on everything. I bet you don't even look at half of the reports of cheating, I've seen a lot of reports that have videos of it and the server's don't get blacklisted. You probably found this topic in recent radio chatter so you can get free post points so you can feel better about yourself in some way.
  2. karrr

    Cherno Anti-sniper

    If you have no gear I won't shoot you :P I usually just stalk someone till they try to kill someone else and then I kill the killer.
  3. No staff here ever take action on this forum, you'll have to get used to it
  4. I was in electro sniping bandits and all sudden I see a off road pickup truck, they come to park it so I shoot the engine block with my AS50 to kill them. It exploded but only one of them died? I continued to shoot the other one (rock) I shot him around 4-5 times in the chest with my AS50. He did not die... I logged off cause he was aiming at me, I did not PvP log cause the guy was hacking. Otherwise he would be dead, I believe his friends name was Matt, Idk? But I am asking people on the server in the lobby what the server is called. I knew I should of recorded :b
  5. How does someone survive a car explosion in dayz? Give me video proof of that and then I'll request my self to get banned
  6. karrr

    Cherno Anti-sniper

    Good luck hunting me down :) You'll need it
  7. karrr

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    People on this forum confuse me... Well heres the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ievSX6fxRlw&list=UUzJt-l8gfV-2w3iMlLdxpVw&index=1&feature=plcp
  8. karrr

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    What ego? I don't even want to have an ego on a forum haha
  9. I just killed all of these guys xDDD
  10. karrr

    Car Wheel is Stuck in Ground

    I've had many ATV's that have been stuck in a tree. Just drive it straight for awhile, don't turn it will decrease your speed
  11. karrr

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    The server name was hellbound saints. So whoever I killed please tell me how much you hate me :)
  12. Maybe get in contact with arma 2 dev's and ask them to terminate your cd key one and give a new one
  13. No it wasn't lag, I noticed a guy below the hill getting chased by zombies also how do you explain his friend not dieing. His friend had nothing on him he looked like a newspawn, his friend was totally decked out it looked like. M107, ghillie. and I can't imagine what he had in his inventory
  14. Couldn't find the name :\ Just delete it
  15. karrr


    Most likely, just log in at day and run around so you don't get infected
  16. I'm done arguing, whatever
  17. karrr

    Surviving X dayz will...

    This wouldn't work in multiplayer, people always die from people, zombies, and of course hackers.
  18. karrr

    Selling 1 satchel charge.

    I know I have one, and an M9 Sd, I was just wondering if he misread M9Sd
  19. karrr

    One of my very first runs in DayZ

    That's hackers for ya
  20. karrr

    Selling 1 satchel charge.

    Its and M9 SD Btw.
  21. I've been to green mountain to look for a vehicle spawn a couple times. What happened to everybody? I'm doing great in DayZ I have best weapons and huey with plenty of vehicles
  22. I said it couldn't take over his mouse, which a script cant! He described it as it literally did take over his mouse. But clearly in the video the body teleported to his location and hurt him, sounds like you don't know shit about scripts. Let alone programming.
  23. He did not make the map, so I doubt he knows how to add buildings in
  24. karrr

    M24 Value?

    800 isn't good, sometimes I have to go for shots at 1400m and stuff. I might buy it idk what do you want for it?
  25. karrr

    M24 Value?

    I found that gun in a hanger, I dropped it it was really weak and had like 400 zeroing