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About Koidn

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    On the Coast

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  1. Server Name: Dayz Namalsk [......] StartEquip@Kindergarten IP: Date/Time: ca. 20:00 9.11.2012 Server Administrator: Vorsgesicht, Ogami ltto What Happened: We were 3 people just derping around, at first one of my mates was killed. Then my second mate killed the guy and it was the admin. Then we tried to get rid of the zombies and i found another guy, I tried to shoot him but than ran away because i didn't know where he was. A bit away we found an ural and I killed the second guy when he approached. Since then we were derping around and I got kicked because of hacking. I logged back in and they kept blaming me for hacking. About half an hour later we got in an ambush, my two mates died, they failed to kill me. I was low on health but i wasn't unconscious, I saw them running away and shot one in the back. Then they asked how i knew where they were and kicked me for hacking. Now they have their Ural back, gz! Evidence/proof: I failed to make a screenshot because i captured the desktop, but maybe some other people who were on the server read this to report them. Koidn
  2. Koidn

    How to stop Alt+F4

    Guys I havr this game for about 1 week and I didn't see a thread discussing this problem, but I know that a lot of people complain about it so I wrote down the idea of which i thought about first, when you have a better way of solving it, just post i.t
  3. Koidn

    How to stop Alt+F4

    Well, you can't know that, but i believe thats only a small amount when compared with the Alt +F4's, and if you log out yourself, you are pretty much always in a safe position so it doesn't matter. @treecancer: You misunderstood me, I wanted to say that the character remains about 10 seconds on the server when the game is closed immediatly .
  4. Koidn

    How to stop Alt+F4

    Today we had about 4 encounters with well equipped players. One time we had a cheater, who attacked us with a jet and 3 times other teams. Especially once it took us a long time to spot their sniper, get away and sneak up them from behind. Then it is really annoying when all the enemys just Alt F4 out of the game. Aren't there any possibilities to stop that, it is really frustrating when this is the way to go for most of the players? For example, couldn't there be an implented timer which lasts about 10 seconds until you disconnect from the server when you close the game?
  5. Yes but you can use both ammunition types for both weapon types, so do they have advantages and disadvantages?
  6. What are all the differences between SD and normal mags? I heard that SD mags aren't perfectly accurate when shot in a normal weapon, is that true?