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About Lapis

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Lapis

    Little things to do in the SA

    Support.. I think a card-game method would be kickass for a way to communicate and interact with players, although it seems a bit odd it would be fun to be surrounded, disarmed and held at gunpoint with only one card telling if you live or die.
  2. Lapis

    Possible Hacker?

    If its the owner he can technically do as he likes, locating players on the admin map and going to them isint against the rules, although its cheep its still not against the rules. :/
  3. Lapis

    Invalid ban from UK 119

    I can confirm this. It has happened to me a few times on Dayz and Non Dayz servers. Ive seen it used to block players from using the vote admin vote kick, etc.
  4. I just want the hero skin with bandit cap. Its my absolute favorite skin in the world.
  5. Age: 16 (18+ Isint always a good requirment since alot of players 16 and up are quite skilled at the game. steam name: Jarekoslav how long have you played: Since Version 437 (April 25th I Believe.) Timezone: GMT -4 equipment you currently have: I could have just died so this one provides no useful information about myself. But M4 CCO SD and AS50, Coyote, Full Equipment. -600,000 ish humanity. Regarding age, I've recently came out of a clan that had essentially slowly lost its members due to inactivity. It was a large 20+ Person clan that operated on our own server. Currently looking for another one due to the fact that DayZ Is unplayable without friends. I would like to say my main skill is driving/Flying (Especially flying) As I have spent many hours flying the huey in the original ArmA(ACE mod) I'd like to think I'm mature. Give me a test run atleast, And you wont be dissapointed.
  6. Lapis

    Lingor island

  7. I agree with you beyond belief.
  8. Lapis

    US 195, S6 Admin Abuse

    I believe this guy.
  9. Lapis

    Trade Zones

  10. Lapis

    In game store and money

    Heck no.
  11. Lapis

    Night time fix - street lights

    Power grids are in arma, (I think) Since power generators are in the game I believe you could take over power stations at some point in development. Street lights are pretty useful in small towns.
  12. Lapis

    Vehicles less rare?

    I'd agree with more small vehicles, More dirt bikes and pedal bikes. Dirt bikes aren't top priority if you think of the amount of cars trying to leave chernarus since you cant pile your stuff into a dirt bike like you can a car.
  13. Well, If rocket adds spawn choosing then spawn in Kamenka with your buddies and go to north west.
  14. Lapis


    I love it. Just remove NPC's entirely and green zones.
  15. Lapis

    Rimfire Weapons

    Completly agree with adding .22 to the games. But in general I'd like more soviet weapons.