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Everything posted by Omni-Q

  1. I dont know if anyones suggested this yet as I havent read all 14 pages: Please get rid of SD ammo!! Make a silencer a rare and seperate peice of kit More melee
  2. Omni-Q

    What is the longest you have survived?

    Day 59. im suprised im still alive....numerous rescue missions for friends with sever blood lose from one side of the map to the other....i frequent towns but rarely cherno or electro. I spend lots of time in the north west airfield. I dont kill other players unless i have no other choice, or they suprise me. Stole a quad bike full of ammo, and helicopter parts on a clan server with 3 clan members in the server...they left it RUNNING outside Vybor, i jumped on and picked up a frined a 100 metres down the road and off we went....clan guys must have been pissed!
  3. Omni-Q

    How 90% of Day Z live streamers play.

    Cheers dude :)
  4. Omni-Q

    How 90% of Day Z live streamers play.

    What did u use to record the video?
  5. Omni-Q

    Stamina hunger etc

    well again thats the point i made above also, if our speed was changed, then z's speed would also need changing....evolution posted above about balance, and thats essential I havent found this game to be easy so far, sometimes u can avoid, sometimes ur dead.
  6. Omni-Q

    Stamina hunger etc

    I agree, and made the point above, atm u can avoid z's, but the likleyhood is that if the run was limited to a distance and u were being chased by 20 z's u would be respawning on the coast.
  7. Omni-Q

    Stamina hunger etc

    You can take ur time if thats what you want, sometimes i want to meet friends, and like the run through forests....down to personal choice really
  8. Omni-Q

    Logout Timer

    I think a logout timer is a terrible idea....the same people asking for it will be complaining when they need to leave quickly, and someone loots them or kills them before there body despawns. A 5 or 10 min DC timer would be better, stopping players from reconnecting straight away. Even then were still in aplha, and alot of peeps have connection issues...the more locked down the game starts to get in alpha the more players will have problems.....
  9. Omni-Q

    Frustrating fate

    IRL the probabiliy would be that people would attack each other for resources, nice idea though
  10. Omni-Q

    Stamina hunger etc

    the video is pointless within this discussion, as they move like that and we move as we do. Once u start changing the player movement u have to look at the difficulty these changes make to us....its not impossible to evade z's chasing atm, but if u restrict the amount of time we can run, u also need to look at the z movement
  11. we could do with a pot or something similar to enable us to boil water form ponds/lakes
  12. Omni-Q

    Stamina hunger etc

    even so, if the sprint was changed, what hope would we have of getting away from Z's chasing us, unless their sprint or run spoeed was altered also
  13. Omni-Q

    Stamina hunger etc

    True, its a good point, but then u would also have to conseed that a zombie with dead muscle probably couldnt move like they do either
  14. Omni-Q

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I think a logout despawn timer is a terrible idea....the same people asking for it will be complaining when they need to leave quickly, and someone loots them or kills them before there body despawns. A 5 or 10 min DC timer would be better., stopping players from reconnecting straight away. Even then were still in aplha, and alot of peeps have connection issues...the more locked down the game starts to get in alpha the more players will have problems.....
  15. Omni-Q

    A sex system in the game?

    lmao...watching Z's run from a man with a boner!
  16. Omni-Q

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    i dont leave my character logged in if i make a coffee or say have to answer the door or phone, to be penalised for having to leave the game and log back in for legitimate reasons is unfair, saying that a five minute lockout wouldnt bother me in this situation
  17. Omni-Q

    Logging in unconscious?

    Im having the same problem, log off...when i return to play im unconscious for 5 mins, very annoying.