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HurriCnz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by HurriCnz (DayZ)

  1. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    stuck at the loading screen (again)

    i have it on all servers and yesterday, well this night it worked perfectly
  2. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    stuck at the loading screen (again)

  3. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    stuck at the loading screen (again)

    can anyone please reply to this and tell a fix or something im kind of borrend over here
  4. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    stuck at the loading screen (again)

    i just tried to reinstall dayz - no effect i'm going to verify my steam files maybe that will help EDIT: it also had no effect going to try to reinstall the beta patch EDIT: no effect
  5. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    Current Beta - 94945 - Issues (Post here please?)

    the thing that i know is that the latest beta patch is broken 94945 so i am using the second to latest patch that is also the patch the most servers are using now (94876)
  6. first of all yes, arma II and arma II OA are seperatet games only arma II OA ads some things to arma II its like a REALY BIG DLC. if you have the games on steam then i should say right click on both games and go to proberties then look for verivy steam files ore something like that. this will look for files that are missing or not right. if you have the games separate from steam i should start looking for "arma II latest update" in google (also for arma II OA) if you want to get the beta batch go here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ but do not get the latest patch, (94945 is broken atm) instead get the 94876 patch, that is the current working one. hope this helped HurriCnz(hurricane)
  7. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    Random Shooting Accidents

    i had this once but that maybe was becouse i alt+tab out of the game, when i got back i shooted 2 times i dont know if this is a bug or just my fault
  8. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    Can't get Dayz started

    i would recommend useing six launcher and follow this little guide that i rewrote from this if you want to launch arma 2 with the steam overlay WITH six launcher you should have a look at this: http://forums.steampowerehttp://forums.steamp...showthread.php? here is like the same but a little diferent and modified by me for six launcher Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ Rename ArmA2OA.exe or move it to a backup folder. Locate the beta ArmA2OA.exe in the \Expansion\beta folder, copy and paste it to the main folder where the original exe was. Open Six launcher and press options in the right bottom corner at additional startup parameters and add "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" without the quotes(you can add -nosplash and -skipintro and any other) Launch ARMA 2: OA as a normal from six launcher (press a server and dubble click or press join) you can get a warning about that you have the beta enabled and also launching trough steam, just press ok if you get like an error saying something about 9d or 3d render orso you failed doing the steps above.
  9. HurriCnz (DayZ)


    if you havent got the six launcher i should get it. it is on the download page of DayZmod.com second of all you could use some startup parameters like this: -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -skipintro this will not only get you to the dayzmod but it also skips the intro and removes the splash screen for a faster startup it that it just aditional ( if you dont want it remove -nosplash and -skipintro). maybe you can verivy your steam files and your steam cache. if you want to launch arma 2 with the steam overlay WITH six launcher you should have a look at this: http://forums.steampowerehttp://forums.steamp...showthread.php? here is like the same but a little diferent Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ Rename ArmA2OA.exe or move it to a backup folder. Locate the beta ArmA2OA.exe in the \Expansion\beta folder, copy and paste it to the main folder where the original exe was. Open Six launcher and press options in the right bottom corner at additional startup parameters and add "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" without the quotes(you can add -nosplash and -skipintro and any other) Launch ARMA 2: OA as a normal from six launcher (press a server and dubble click or press join) you can get a warning about that you have the beta enabled and also launching trough steam, just press ok if you get like an error saying something about 9d or 3d render orso you failed doing the steps above. i hope this helped HurriCnz(hurricane)
  10. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    Global chat server?

    i believe that the global chat is out of the mod
  11. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    Latest Version of Arma?

    hi mate you can find the latest beta patches here http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/
  12. HurriCnz (DayZ) Opinion and Experiences thread

    i have bad experiance with this patch please check out my problems http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32224-can-join-servers-but-wrong-version-help/
  13. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    To think what we would do for a bus

    i would like to get in your clan ^^
  14. Hi people, when i join a server the server says it has 1.7.2 and that i need to download the latest DAYZ_CODE from dayzmod.com but when i join a 1.7.2 server it says that i have i don't get it. and i can't join a server with Six Launcher then i get the "waiting for host" message. its realy annoying EDIT: i verified my steam files for arma II OA it was missing 2 files. i deleted dayzmod from the root folder or arma II OA. redownloaded dayz from six launcher ( downgraded the betapatch to 94876. it seems to work proberly now thx for no help guys.
  15. i also have a fading black screen is there a fix for it already? or the files for the 1.7.2 dayz? why wasent yet to be released yet? http://www.reddit.co..._not_play_1722/
  16. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    safe car option?

    Hi guys, i am relatively new to DayZ and i had a question about the cars/heli's and such... what does the option "Save car" do? i hope to get a quick response ^^ thx in advance
  17. HurriCnz (DayZ)

    safe car option?

    ok great thx for the information