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About markva

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    On the Coast

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    The Netherlands
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    Hi! I'm Mark!
  1. markva

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Looks like the decision has been made. It's being replaced with the BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo to spawn at helicopter crash sites in the next update most likely. And it seems they're also adding in the G36 weapons. Here's the changelog.
  2. I have a question regarding vehicles and helicopters in the standalone game. I know it might be a bit early on in the development cycle for this, but I'd love some more intel on this regardless! My question is, to what degree can we modify what and what amount of vehicles/helicopters appear on our server. For example, in the current DayZ build of, we are limited to three types of helicopters. As in the standalone all decisions will be made server-side, this means that vehicles no longer have to be banned client-side, which would also mean that we can add in any vehicle we'd like. That is, if they're included in DayZ itself. How many vehicles will be included in the standalone, and will server hosts get a wide array of vehicles to choose from?
  3. markva

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Ugh... really? Now you're removing the ambulances and UH60M as well? Come on! If you're removing the Humvee Ambulance, at least add the S1203 Ambulance back in... And isn't there an alternative to the medivac helicopter (or is it possible to remove the healing ability)? This patch was the best one yet, as it finally added more vehicles (especially helicopters), and now all we get is a two-seat littlebird... Please explore alternative air vehicles, as this is just such a shame and buzzkill. I'm tired of the Huey.
  4. markva

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Damn it, why are they removing the Osprey from the community patch? This would've been one of the most awesome vehicles to have in the game, and truly something to strive for. Keep it in please!
  5. Awesome, great update! Lots of fixes I have been looking forward to! Thanks all! Not so fond of this one though: [FIXED] You can no longer change clothes/eat/drink/etc. while in a vehicle Isn't it realistic to eat/drink in a vehicle? Why wouldn't this be possible?