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About phEus808

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. phEus808

    How do you Enable GPS as Admin?

    google tells you how
  2. phEus808

    Tents in

    Don't know what everyone is complaining about. Tents working fine in for everyone of my squad.
  3. You wanna team up? Get some friends playing with you.
  4. phEus808

    Server search?

    http://www.gametracker.com/search/arma2/? ?
  5. phEus808

    Ayone know where the files are for.....

    Well, it seems Rocket gives a shit about us because he's not just hotfixing the graphic glitch. He rather works on a "full" update for whatever reason. The only "fix" i heard of is that you could edit your 'screenComplexity' or something like that in your profiles. But i didnt try. I'm playing Lingor Island as long as this shit isnt fixed.
  6. phEus808

    Helicopter problem, need help

    It crashed. You need to wait for the respawn.
  7. phEus808

    Ever been robbed by a ,,Wu-tang clan,, in DayZ?

    You know this is already a month old?
  8. phEus808

    Pending Update: Build

    I already see the crying incoming how "hard" DayZ will be when you don't have infinite ammo anymore.
  9. On a daytime server with only 33 zeds spawned? I smell admin abuse.
  10. phEus808

    Aim not on center of the screen

    Turn off 'Aiming deadzone' under Options/Game options.
  11. phEus808

    Sniper training?

    Singleplayer -> Armory/Editor
  12. phEus808

    In Game Info about Server

    Press "I"(i) and "P".
  13. phEus808

    Self Defense

    How about adding tanks, too? And jets?
  14. phEus808

    Arma 2 / Free

    Your character is connected to your Arma 2: OA CD-Key, not to Arma 2. So no, you will not lose your character.
  15. phEus808

    System for reducing of PvP

    So what if I survive for 30 days and kill 1 survivor every day? Do I have to wait for 300 minutes to respawn after I die? Can't support this.