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Everything posted by morunas

  1. morunas

    Lots of Potential, but ...

    I definitely think starting with nearly nothing (no weapon, no food, no drink) is purely AWESOME. You know the drill is... Many of the new players will not be "as stealthy as they need to" by nature. Cause they have been playing CS or some FPS alike. Starting with NO weapons is a heads'up for "if a zombie or player see you you are as good as dead". That by nature will shorten the learning curve. You will learn by need rather then by dieing and then thinking "should have been more careful/thoughtful..." As others said you can avoid the zombies. If you have no weapon your instinct will be RUNNNN and you might not know that entering a building will slow them down cause they cant mumble and fumble around quickly like they do on open fields but you will get it eventually. If you have a weapon you will learn that one shot in the middle of nowhere (or inside of a building if you are good on ammo) is way smarter then shooting a zombie in the middle of a city. I think the drop rates are awesome. If it was more common it could easily turn into a deathmatch because why would I care about surviving if by "respawning" I get lots of goodies real quick? No. The point is you must TREASURE your loot with your life! You have to survive and be smart and be stealthy! And think on reality... would you really expect to find weapons and ammo around the corner in every city? Dream on... RP wise, as some said earlier, everyone can be whatever they want to be. I for instance only team up with "real friends" cause I wont (and wouldn't) trust a single soul in the game... at least how it is now. So there I can agree with one thing which is that there should be a FEW (not many) more features that require teamplay for better results. Ideas (and not thinking about engine limitations) could be (other then blood bags and epipens): - be able to lift a player into a roof and alike pull a player into a roof where you stand (activity that otherwise would not be possible) this would allow for example taking shelter in places otherwise unreachable. Then the same thing from coming down from it ^^ - be able to carry a player on your back (that would be cool xD) when a friend of mine is crawling and we need to get out of some hotspot until he can take some morphine or I can go scavange for him then it would be good if I, fully capable, could speed up the process of leaving. (I know this one would probably be impossible engine wise) There could be more ideas... probably... Finally regarding how zombies run I just find it weird that they zig-zag... they should run fast yes cause that is much more fun. The typical slow walking zombies are boring and dont make you go stressed. Now why the hell they zig-zag... what is this zombies with army training? I would however think that inside buildings they should move a bit faster. I agree and like and understand the fact they go slower because their typical "fumble around" movement is held back in a building which gives a strategic advantage. But I think they go too slow. I easily kill them if I have enough ammo. Should be so that I need to stress out how fast I kill them. A weapon with slower firing rate would then be less eficient... but perhaps its ammo more common. Etc. I mean just 10-20% faster could improve the experience there BUT as a trade off make them run forward on open fields... zombies running sidewise is simply put weird and doesnt really make sense. They want flesh... they go for it. That's it.
  2. I think the loot spawn rate is good :) I find it more interesting that some loot is rarer then others so you always have to account for that... if you party play and what not having 1-2 epipens and some morphine can safe your life... so far after something like 10 hours of game play after first spawning I have not found any epipen or morphine. lots of maka mags though... and LOT of enfield mags... I am like running around with 10|10 on enfield mags :P just in case I need to kill 100 zombies in a row lol "not common" weapons though you must find military alike places but also remember that their ammo is more rare... so... are you ready for that? I would advise using 1 rare weapon since you find it but NEVER 2 rare weapons... cause you can suddenly run out of ammo or just have to little for an unfortunate zombie encounter. Further more... DON'T feel ready for a zombie encounter. Avoiding them is the best you can do. It spares you bullets. It spares you telling all nearby players of your position. It might spare you blood specially if your encounter is in open space. And I leave the obvious tip: every time you approach a scavenging area make a good spot for enterable buildings and never engage zombies in open space. RUN for the buildings... bottle neck the zombies at the entrance and then PRAY you have ammo for all of them. I remember once being spotted by 1 single damn zombie... I even used the maka instead of the enfield to make less noise... just there... I killed around 50 zombies... that is a lot of bullets and a lot of noise. Luckily no blood was lost and I was meters away from a large barn... otherwise I could easily have been dead. One tip I can give you is the following: when you loot a place... even if you are "filled with loot"... you must abuse it, in the sense that you dont leave food there for the "friendly" guy that comes after. An "empty" loot area always increases the possibility that there are players nearby, so by doing so you get some players to run from you and your position just by fear... you make others decide to go to another area if they DO need loot. Just be careful to not spend too much time in the same place. But eat and drink all you can ^^ and take stuff you dont need just as long as you have space. And finally... either with or without a gun... never change your gameplay away from being just a shadow. However prepared you are... one shot and you're dead. One bite and you bleed and scream. One sound in the wrong place at the wrong time and you're bandit feast.
  3. morunas

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    Yesterday a friend of mine and I were in this place with some barns just outside a town and he was crawling cause he fell and broke some bones. We had no morphine at the time so he crawled around. We were just scaveging for morphine when someone shoots at us. He couldn't make it to the inside one of the barns quick enough. I reached to kill one of the two guys that apparently were shooting at us but apparently they were not bandits so it counted as murder... I find it a bit strange... I kill someone who shoots at me and it states me as murder... (just one murder but still). It would be awesome that there would be just few more things to slightly motivate team play more. I mean the adrenaline pump and player fear should ALWAYS be there... but currently the only reason why I should team up with a stranger is if I need help with blood bags or if (rarely) I would be starving/thirsty AND meet a player that "seems" (lol) friendly. Because overall 2 players are more likely to be spotted by bandits then 1 alone sneaking around I would say. Unless very well coordinated... more people means more mess which means lower expectancy of survival... just a feeling.