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About el_muerko

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  1. el_muerko

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    DayZ logo I think, if not then 'You are DEAD' :)
  2. el_muerko

    Attack & Abort

    How often has someone taken a shot at you and disconnected when they miss? Can I suggest that if someone shoots a gun their character persists in the world for a period of time after they disconnect, similar to the aggression timer in EvE.
  3. el_muerko


    Night time is awesome, you're rubbish!
  4. el_muerko

    The bleeding wont stop

    A friend of mine was having the same problem, you may want to stay logged off until there's a hotfix or a solution posted on here by Rocket. [EDIT]
  5. el_muerko

    The bleeding wont stop

    So are you pressing 'G' to open your pack then Right-Click-ing on a Bandage, using the bandage, but still bleeding?
  6. el_muerko

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    They do if you actually use them... I am sorely disapointed with the playerbase.... HOW TO BANDAGE is spammed across every server. I knew before I went in. I know how to bandage, and the people I'm listening to on TS know how to bandage, and yet the bandages are vanishing from their inventory but they continue to bleed.
  7. el_muerko

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    All those big words over 'carebears', you've got a bad case of manufactured drama. I'd get that looked at by a health care professional.
  8. el_muerko

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Anyone looking for a quick, easy updater should check out 'Six Updater'. It had the DayZ files maybe ten minutes after they were put on the mirrors, I only downloaded manually because I happened to see the update tweet.
  9. el_muerko

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    [EDIT]Fixed, copied over all the new files again and it works now :) Downloaded all the updates (including hotfix), put them in the correct folder, being kicked from servers the second I join. Could do with seeing the error but kicked too quick :(
  10. el_muerko

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Sorry, my post wasn't intended as an attack against people here, more a grumble about people on the servers. I like the idea of more zombies too, but what I really like is unpredictable zombies. Any 'fixed number' of zombies could become routine, players would be able to calculate the amount of people and ammo they need to survive and make a decision based on that. Far better would be a scenario where you're scanning the horizon constantly, knowing that you could wander into a roaming horde anywhere at any time. There wouldn't have to be many of these, just the knowledge they're out there would keep players on their toes. The increased zombie danger would also likely make it harder for bandits to get easy kills because players would be more cautious and aware when on the move.
  11. el_muerko

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    It's an Alpha! If people don't like the zombie count now, don't log in for a few days till the next patch. As it is, I'm all for random spikes in zombie population in the finished game. Players should'nt be allowed to become confident about the number of Z's they'll have to face. People's last words should occasionally be, "This is a small village there'll probably only be 20-40 zombies ... OH MY GOD THERE'S HUNDREDS AAAAARGH MY INNARDS ARE NOW OUTARDS!!!"
  12. el_muerko

    UK3 locked with admin + 5 others?

    UK3 is always locked, VPope and others who had/have the clan tag [FS] are on there getting parts for more helicopters no doubt, they have 3 or more helicopters, as they've mentioned on these forums: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1935&highlight=UK3
  13. el_muerko

    [FS] now own 3 helicopters and 1 jeep :|

    So how come you're always on there with your mates, like right now (6 of 45 & locked), notice you removed your [FS] tags, did you think it made your cheating a little too obvious?