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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Limo

    DayZ Memes

  2. Limo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Is it going to be the same engine, or a new one, perhaps a heavy modded version of the current one?
  3. Limo

    Spawn killing in DayZ

    Your character shows up a couple of seconds (standing up) before you're finished loading. It is fully possible that he saw you from far away, and came a little closer and then shot you.
  4. Limo

    Pending Update: Build

    Ive found two packs of antibiotics, so they do spawn. (both of them where in the medical military tents in chreno). Well that wont work... I usually join 5-10 servers before i find one that doesnt lagg, and has the ingame time im looking for. (The Gmt+X in the servernames is NEVER accurate.)
  5. Problems that affect me: -Lots of items disappear upon reconnecting, mostly items in the bag. -Items also tend to dissapear as soon as you drop them (making trading difficult). -Time sync is incredibly off, reconnecting can set you back several hours ingame time, giving you a huge advantage. -"Cleanup" doesnt seem to work on all servers. Some servers are unplayable due to massive fps lagg (the fps of your game is dependant somewhat on the serverside, dont tell me to buy a better pc). -rubberbanding/rewinding. Sometimes my friends rewind 400-600m. They dont lose equipment, they are only moved back to a previous position (usually back into a town that we just left). Features I would like to see: -Some kind of innocent perk. Dayz gets less friendly every day that goes by, and beeing a bandit is expected. I would like to see a perk that non-bandit players have and then lose when they recive bandit status. It could be that you dont have to eat or drink as often, or that you can sprint slighly longer without losing your breath. Of course, the perk should not give any pvp advantages. -More spawnpoints. Spawning in kamenka for the thirtieth time got me thinking, why arent there any spawns away from the coast? As it is now, if you meet someone in, lets say gorka, you know they got equipment because they made it that far. -A new zombie type. Slowmoving but harder to kill. Just something to spice up pve somewhat.
  6. Worst issue so far: My friend gets extreme rubberbanding sometimes. He rewinds 400-500m for some reason, only happends to him though. But generally the game is working just fine.
  7. Limo

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Yes, 10 seconds will be more than enough.
  8. Limo

    calling out whoever just shot me

    Thats not true. Me and my friend was wandering around in Elektro, when we saw two other survivors. Instead of opening fire, we talked to them, and we got their skype. We then joined up with their friends and had a 10 man party going, it was the most fun i ever had in this game.