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About pamperbrigade

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. pamperbrigade

    The battle of Elektro

    I've uploaded a new episode: Hope you like it!
  2. pamperbrigade

    The battle of Elektro

    We accept the challenge :p
  3. pamperbrigade

    The battle of Elektro

    Yeah could be the case, it only happened sometimes before, but this was the worst one.
  4. pamperbrigade

    The battle of Elektro

    You are always welcome to hop on our TS, we would love some new people to join are ranks. :)
  5. pamperbrigade

    The battle of Elektro

    Hey guys I started a youtube series about trying to hold Elektro on our server. So far we had some great firefights and great fun which I want to share with you guys. In between we always try to find some time to do some funny stuff. Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3: If you want to join or challenge us, you can join our server or teamspeak: ts.bfewaw.com. Hope to see you guys and thanks for watching!
  6. pamperbrigade

    Pamperbrigade's olde timey theather

    Yh we saw a guy at the church and were a bit distracted so we didn't see the three guys sneaking up (if you can even call it sneaking :P ). And I forgot to reload my mosin when I shot the guy before. But we play to have fun wich we had :) .
  7. pamperbrigade

    Pamperbrigade's olde timey theather

    You can also follow me on my twitch account: http://www.twitch.tv/pamperbrigade We try to play every evening from 7 pm to 11 pm (gmt).
  8. pamperbrigade

    Pamperbrigade's olde timey theather

    So I decided to post my youtube videos on the forums, tell me what you think, rate, like, subscribe and share if you like it. So far I got 2 videos but I will add more as I make them. Episode 1: Episode 2: I'm playing on the World at War server, if you want to play with us you can join our teamspeak: ts.bfewaw.com Thank you for watching!
  9. pamperbrigade

    Why you can't trust anyone.

    Nice video man, keep it coming! :P