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About yoskeleton@msn.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Interests
    HardCore Gaming :)
  1. yoskeleton@msn.com

    Arma III Alpha lite [ GIVE AWAY ]

    I have no t-shirt so please, at least, give me an alpha code ! :o
  2. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    swamps in dayz? work with this picture http://static.environmentalgraffiti.com/sites/default/files/images/544994224491f00de1c7zjpg.img_assist_custom-600x401.jpg
  3. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    I have solution for adding kids in game, just add kids body, and just say that they are small like kid, but they are in fact 50 yeard old so, we dont shoot kids for media :o
  4. yoskeleton@msn.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Rocket should write an ETA about this devblog update :o ! And an ETA of the ETA too ! f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
  5. yoskeleton@msn.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    got $18,000 on a paypal account, any idea where i can buy a beta access? :o
  6. yoskeleton@msn.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    on rocket twitter: "Survivor GameZ on this saturday! Apparently trailer is out soon... exciting!" he talk about dayz?
  7. yoskeleton@msn.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Did you send an invit to Sergey Titov ? B)
  8. yoskeleton@msn.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    My only wish: no more hackers i dont care about any other feature :o
  9. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Development Twitter

    Give me invite (and your pants) now !
  10. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    he is a zombie !
  11. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Lets f5 rocket's twitter account Lets f5 tumblr dev blog Lefs f5 this page Cant wait for Standalone information !!
  12. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Any news today? :lol: is there dev team on this forum ?
  13. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    they clearly dont give a shit about us, we are just "customers" and they really dont care about our suggestions for the game anymore, no informations, we cant discuss about the game we love, well, if they do a piece of shit game, i will be quite happy since they decide to not interact with us. The dayzmod & forum & dev team community is over, i dont want bohemia, give us back rocket please ! *insert more whine *insert more rage the last game i raged for was war z, they did a mail with apologize at least, and devs team still talk with community, going to rage very hard if we cant have any information bout the game! just told us if u dont want share information with us, so, make it clear we dont need to expect any news for long time... tell us what happen ffs
  14. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Russians predict the standalone will be release @ 15th/01/13 Well, i hope Russians are better than MAYA
  15. yoskeleton@msn.com

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    After silence, moderation, look like this is going to be like warz ! noooooooooooooooo please dont do that or u just deleted your own post? :o and try to accuse scamz-method ? :o