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About Gramgaxwarfang

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Gramgaxwarfang

    Updating Beta Patch Fix

    If it's still giving you the wrong CD key error, run Arma 2 combined ops from the OA launcher on steam. Took care of the problem for me.
  2. Gramgaxwarfang

    New Clan Recruiting!

    1)In game name:Gramgaxwarfang 2)Way to contact you (Skype, steam, ventrilo, etc.): Steam:Gramgax Warfang 3) Age 24 4)Game time: 7 PM-6AM EST 5) One sentence summary of how experienced you are: Know enough to know where to go to get ammo and high grade weapons, have a dozen or so kills to my name. 6)Time Zone: US East Edit: Added you
  3. Gramgaxwarfang

    Your first murder!

    Was in the northern high-yield building in Electro, I see some guy looking a zombie. Two shots from my M1911, he goes down. I loot him, getting fairly well equipped. Few moments later after combing the whole place, I see a guy lotting the first's corpse. I'd left nothing of importence on it, but he apparently found it facinating. I popped him with a couple shots, but he started running. I chased him down, firing along the way, missing some, but nailing him on occasion. He got right outside the door, and I caught him in the leg. He goes down, and starts screaming over direct chat not to kill him. I of course swap to my axe, and cave his chest in. Little later, I'm hanging out on the roof, and I see someone comming up the ladder. Not taking chances, I dropped him with a headshot. He fell down, and into the wall sadly, so as soon as I got down to see what he had, he despawned. These were my first kills, all within about 10 min. of each other.