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Everything posted by Aitchy791

  1. Im fine with waiting longer for the standalone it will mean we get a better game, but I want to get some things off my chest. Like many many players I have over 1000 hours logged on DayZ, probaly more like 1500 hours (over 40 days played). I have been watching the gameplay builds over the last few months of the standalone builds at the various game conventions. And I have to say that instead of getting more and more excited with every new video of these, I am getting more and more upset and confused. This is the most recnt video from gamecom that made me want to post here My concerns: - We have been waiting since end of last year for this standalone. This is fine if we are going to get what we want, I have no problem waiting for a better polished game. Nothing I have seen has really impressed me. Yes it may look a little better graphics wise but thats to be expexted. - My biggest concern is this,,,, I feel you have people developing and trying to sell the idea of the standalone who are not serious dayz players. One example of this is Matt. How much game time does Matt have played? And I don't mean playtime that involves game testing or developing, I mean actual game time. - I just want an updated better polished game than what we have now on the mod, there is not much that needed changed. I feel like your trying to add all these new things when infact you should be just releasing a better version of the mod and then worrying about what to add and change. - Big Point Now..... The Hud. The DayZ Hud is what makes DayZ the game it is. I don't want spammed with text telling me Im hungry, thirsty, sore etc etc. This is one big thing that has annoyed me a lot. I do not want the Hud removed. With the normal green hud removed it won't feel like DayZ to me. Get rid of the text messages, give us the hud we have come to love, just improve it maybe like dayzero has done and give us a percentage or something on blood. - Am I right in saying we are going to get a game on release with no drivable vehicles? Instead you are too busy working on all this other superfical stuff that many of us do not really care for or need instead of bringing us a better polished version of the mod on release. - Emptying bullets from cases and then having to add them to your mag..... really? - Zombies leaping at you..... From earlier videos this is horrible also, all you had to do was sort the AI path out. Its getting to arcade like. - I do like the first aid kit idea so that one positive, but I do not like the whole blood thing. Then you went into the whole blood type crap. Your making a game we love even more complicated than it is already. - The reason I have over 40 days played is the intense feeling dayz gives us. The music, the zombies the fear of gearing up for a few hours and that it could all be un done easily. You should be making zombies more terrifying and giving us a polished version of the mod, not a version of the mod that has went arcade/minecraft I will stop now, I just feel we are waiting and waiting and waiting and you guys are going down the wrong path right now. We want the standalone of the mod we love, not a completly new game. Some of you may agree or disagree, thats fine. These are just my opinions Your trying to mass market it for new players and its getting too lame Regards
  2. 1) That is not a concern 2) Is that not a a thing many games should improve on, actually having guys that play the game help develop it. And to be completly honest they need someone better to help sell the game. I have nothing agaisnt Matt he has done a lot of great work on the mod but he is not selling the game to me. Nevermind new players or companies 3) I do not want an arcade/minecraft game 4) Yes, I want the hud, not text spamming me 5) ........ 6) I just feel there are better thing to be working on right now 7) Yes, it looks terrible. They should be making them more terryfing not making them something that looks almost funny (terrifying I mean working on noises they make and AI pathing and skins. 8) No, it is too complicated These are my reasons and Im entitiled to them like you are
  3. Thats your opinion, I feel we are going to get a standalone and many of the core players will probably end up going back to the mod. Superficial crap never lasts. Thats why you play a game and get bored of it and move onto the next big hyped game, I fear this with the standalone
  4. Agree here also, it being devolped to sell to mass market.
  5. @Inception Yeah your right, I mean most of the people I play with share these opinions
  6. That might be your opinion if you like playing games like minecraft, 7 days to die etc etc None of those games give you the adrenalin or intense feelings dayz gives you
  7. I know I can ask for advice on relevant tech forums but I want the thoughts of fellow dayz/arma 2 players, because at the end of the day I have decided to overclock to eek out some more performance in game. Do you run your cpu at its overclock speed when idle, or let it ramp up and down when needed using speed step Need some advice here is my bios settings, temps are around the low 70's when running prime at full load. Please only give advice if you own or have owned an ivybridge cpu. What other settings can I change that will let me give the cpu less voltage, because at 1.285 if I go any lower I will blue screen running prime. Right now at idle the cpu will be at 1600mhz and when in game it will ramp up to 4600mhz (I am fine with this but if disabling some options lets me give the cpu less volts then that would be even better) Do you guys turn off speed step, turbo mode, HT etc etc Check my bios settings and let me know what else you think I should do. I know all cpu's are different, please only give me advice if you actually have an overclocked ivybridge thanks Spec Case - Corair 600T White PSU - Corsair 800GS MOBO - ASUS P8Z77-V PREMIUM CPU - Intel i7 3770k (Overclocked to 4.6Ghz) CPU Cooler - Corsair H80i Ram - 8GB Corsair Vengance Graphics Card - GTX 660 Ti SC 3GB SSD - 128GB OCZ Vector HDD - 2TB Barracuda Screenshots of bios and load figures. All bios Settings http://imageshack.us...5/1319/m4m1.jpg http://imageshack.us...7/7194/31ho.jpg http://imageshack.us...7/5783/h3vv.jpg http://imageshack.us...5/5910/g21c.jpg http://imageshack.us...2/8378/o3hq.jpg Load temps and numbers http://imageshack.us...60/719/5dq5.jpg The Rig http://imageshack.us...7/3629/9q6f.jpg
  8. Aitchy791

    i7 3770k Overclocking advice plz

    Im only a prick to other pricks, you can stop posting now, I wanted some advice from other arma 2 players with OC'd ivybridges but Im guessing the moranaity levels of some people here are a little too much. I will go on the proper arma forums for some intelligent advice, lesson learned Your advice stinks mate, I am new to overclocking and I would never go past 1.35 at most, then you tell me if I fry my chip dont come banging your door down, and that then it can be ok going to 1.8+ volts......... Go grow up mate, give the bambi's advice on the game cause your tech advice sucks donkeys
  9. Aitchy791

    i7 3770k Overclocking advice plz

    I know myself not to go past 1.35 volts if I do not want to shorten the life of it and anywhere near or over 1.5 is cpu frying volts but thanks And again Ill pass on your advice however un helpful it was - Fact
  10. Aitchy791

    i7 3770k Overclocking advice plz

    Again not helpful, and how is my cpu going to go bang? the only reason it would go bang is by taking advice from someone like yourself. And going by your posts and distaste for what I want to do with my own hardware and who I want advice from, even though you say you have overclocked countless chips you think you would also know that the only reason my chip would go bang is if I gave it some crazy voltage or let the temps go crazy. Please post your non helpful comment somewhere else pal
  11. Aitchy791

    i7 3770k Overclocking advice plz

    Your whole message was both non helpful and actually made no sense, but thanks ! The above post you made was the "dumbest thing I have heard today"
  12. Aitchy791

    i7 3770k Overclocking advice plz

    I understand what your saying diddums I just want some oc advice from someone who has actual overclocking experience with an ivybridge, all cpu and makes and models are different. No matter how much you may think you know about overclocking I would still rather have the advice of someone with practical experience with this chip. They all have different settings, temps, loads, etc etc etc I did not want someone commenting something like the following "I have had an amd whatever chip or a sandybridge whatever and I used these settings" As you probably know, ivybridge cpu's run hotter and will give different pro's and con's to other chips in regards to settings And with regards to the comments saying dont bother overclocking..... this was the whole reason I built a new PC too oc the cpu to the max stable limit keeping the temps under 80C and eventually buying a nice new shiny gpu I think we all know that when it comes down to the middle of cherno and your fps is down to 30 and your pc is stutering away, that extra performance and 5-10 fps will make all the difference
  13. I have not heard the word "mullered" for a while
  14. Aitchy791

    Game Crashing

    I had this about a month ago out of the blue, It never crashed to desktop, but froze up and black screen for a few seconds. Pretty sure it was something to do with one of the recent nvidia updates or precision x, not sure which but not happened since
  15. 1k blood and a broken leg and still engaging that squad, awesome mate, shame about the ending.
  16. Want to know what dayz performance is like with two cards instead of one in Dayz
  17. Aitchy791

    Recording Help

    Aye, that must be some pen drive ken :)
  18. Aitchy791

    Recording Help

    I don't think this is possible, why not just buy another hdd for your pc. If you stream on twitch it will record everything you stream to their servers which you can then make highlight out of and upload straight to youtube, maybe an option for you until you get an hdd for recording onto.
  19. Aitchy791

    [Solved]I can't update the game...

    I have had this problem before, where you will update but arma will still launch using an older patch. Cant remeber the fix but try launching arma 2 oa beta shortcut until you see the correct patch number in the top right of the main menu, then I think you need to mess about with what expansions are enabled
  20. Aitchy791

    2 PC Streaming Setup

    If your using obs you would need an avar media card because there is a problem with battle eye and obs which stops you streaming full screen, you can however stream in windowed mode without the cap card.
  21. Aitchy791

    FPS Limit

    lower your res to 720p, lower all settings, disable stuff like aa, shadows and post processing (not just put them on low)
  22. Who will you be hoping wins? http://www.twitch.tv...m/survivorgamez
  23. Alwats takes them an hour to get everyone ready and stuff, yeah Probably 10pm - 10:30pm actual start yeah
  24. Aitchy791

    Anyone Running 660 ti Sli?

    Thanks for you answer :) have some beans