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Broo (DayZ)

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About Broo (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Broo (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build

    Why not enable a combat system, in wich you can not leave the game before ten seconds after the last engagement, stuff like bleeding wil prolong the combat untill its been repaired. the system is in many games, people can alt f4 but the character will remain in game till the time combat system has gone idle. i.e tibia muuuch better than gimping alt f4 , rather completely remove it instead.
  2. Broo (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    Been playing 1.7.2 all day and load times are good again. Hive problem most likely because when i played morning after 1.7.2 release load times were very good.........
  3. Broo (DayZ)

    Experimental test patch

    Hi. As many has said; the 7.2.1 fix has not resolved the bad load times. It may have gotten slightly better but I havent noticed. Also from memory of last night i DO NOT seem to recall it even beeing mentioned in the changelog? The additional major issues has been a weird connection issue where a random person gets timed out from the servers. When it happen to me it says no meesage recieved for xxx and after re logging i has been rolled back like 20 minutes. At random times Ive gotten teleported to debug plains and the ony way to get out is to hit respawn. It happened the very first time 7.2.1 was loaded aswell.This is from the 7.2 patch, I havent seen this yet in the fix. Currently the solution to the connection problem is to go back 7.1.5, load times are great. In 1.7.2The fov fix on Zeds are great, the game plays much more fluid with better sync (as promised) the 50% sound reduced through walls works great. Also id like to mention some suggestion. According to lore, zombies are slow, dumb and hive minded. the biggest issue with the Zeds is, the regular zeds are all olympic runners. Only the creepers are slow yeah? I am pretty fine with there being more zombie classes wich of some are tougher ,faster more scary etc. This could even be used to strech out the progression of the game where you need to be able to take out a tough guy to get to the better loot. Anyways, a but more variety wouldnt hurt there, and the olypic zeds has to be changed if this is to be the slightest realistic. Those Z's who actually do run fast could be skinned with sneakers and shorts? The hide body on players shouldn't be available.