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Posts posted by josh.goldstone@gmail.com

  1. Is there anyway to talk in global or something? or how does feedback for the patch work? 


    Edit: I am getting teleports back a few feet every minute or so of constant running, but it isn't locking up the game like previously. A couple of instances too of my head not being able to turn, sort of snapping back to where it was a few seconds ago as well.

    • Like 3

  2. You can't spawn in these types of vehicles as they are restricted by DayZ. You can run rMod (google it) on your server and there are tutorials around to spawn banned vehicles in. The downside being that every client that connects has to have rMod installed and attached to their game parameters.

    However for normal vehicles (heli's, cars, urals, bikes, boats etc) it should be fairly simple to figure out (look at all the tables that have vehicles in their name) The classname is the vehicle.

  3. CORE is now hosting a DayZ Namalsk server which runs on a private hive at DayZ.st (London)

    We are a UK based clan, and in the not too distance future we will be turning the whitelist on (the functionality is all there, but the community isn't large enough yet.)

    • We run a full backup every ten minutes, so there is little chance you will ever be 10 minutes behind in the case of a server emergency.
    • Multiple admins run Gotcha to keep an eye on the server when we are at work, and the logs are meticulously combed.
    • Side chat is enabled but excessive mic use is not tolerated.
    • You must be over 18 to apply for the whitelist (currently inactive)
    • You must use English if you are going to chat.

    We hope to grow our community to a good size and then turn on the whitelist (to stop the drive by hackers) so the game can be enjoyed by everyone.

    Please visit http://dayzgb.com and register, and apply for the whitelist if you wish and I will add you for when we activate it.

    Server IP:


