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Pilot of Pripyat

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Everything posted by Pilot of Pripyat

  1. Ah, so you finally made it! I am known as Pilot, I like to think its because of my exceptional navigation skills, but I am sure others will tell you otherwise. Now don't be fooled by my boyish looks! This new face may be young but I have spent a very long time in this "New Zone" of Chenarus, and know the lay of its land very well. So well in fact that it has begun to bore me, so I decided it was time to use my considerable knowledge and skills to help those in need. I offer up my services as a guide to those struggling to get on their feet for a small fee, just come back here and tell everyone that it was I, the talented Pilot who showed you the ropes, as I wish to eventually guide people along the safe routes to the dangerous areas of this zone (My zone was surprisingly hospitable compared to yours I might add, sometimes I feel as though I am the only friendly face in it!) for small fees like second hand loot. But for now, the humble Pilot is at your service, tell me what you need publicly here or privately and I will see what I can do. Services Offered: Tour Guide (You wish to visit cherno safely? Let me show you how) Survival basics (No stop trying to hit the boar with the knife, you use that to gut it!) Basic Equipment Procurement (Everything an aspiring S.T.A.L.K.E.R. needs to make it 20 feet in the zone) Bodyguarding (What, you want me to go first?) Artifact Hunting (These artifacts look exactly like the helicopters the major was investigating!) Vehicle Procurement/repair Sniper Removal (Message me if there's a serious bandit problem on your server, and I will see what I can do) DURING ANY EXTREMELY DANGEROUS OPERATION I WILL OUTFIT YOU ON YOUR WORD YOU WILL RETURN MY GEAR UPON COMPLETION. ANYONE WHO FAILS TO DO SO WILL BE ADDED TO A LIST HERE. See you around S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!
  2. Pilot of Pripyat

    Welcome To The Zone Newcomers! I am Pilot.

    Circumstances have changed, I am now available at any time. Please feel free to Message me on these forums or on the Haven DayZ Australia Server Forums where I am an Administrator.
  3. Pilot of Pripyat

    Are you a bandit, Hero or Survivor?

    I have always been a hero. I rarely die to bandits, but I occasionally do. When just surviving got boring for me, I created the thread in my sig, and began using my team to train new players and guarantee safe passage to those who use our services. "You'll make it through unscratched or you'll get your gear back plus!"
  4. Pilot of Pripyat

    Is there a gun like this in DayZ ?

    Go ahead and use it, rocket has stated that players will not be banned for using a hacked weapon that they pick up, and will only have their name flagged and watched for suspicious activity for a short period of time, you have already been flagged for picking it up, so use it.
  5. Pilot of Pripyat

    Welcome To The Zone Newcomers! I am Pilot.

    Pilot's is Open for Business! Post here or use Private Message to request assistance!* I have the hero skin from all my time spent as nice guy, so it should be easy to recognize me, and easier than trusting someone in a ghillie suit! *Please note that if you have the bandit skin I will require an explanation and make you change into a ghillie or camo clothing (which I will provde), as I do not want to attract friendly fire. If you do not explain that you have the bandit skin and I see it on you when I reach the meeting place, all you'll hear from me is the crack of a rifle, or the whisper of a suppressed weapon.
  6. Rocket has stated that the mod will become open once the standalone is complete, basically allowing others to do things like port it over to new maps (Like DayZ Lingor has already done) and combine other mods into it on their own servers (A.C.E.Z. anyone?) But aside from that, it will still be using the arma II netcode and mostly the arma II engine, so we are still testing it and also testing things like the validity of things like dogs, skins, and certain weapons, just because we aren't testing the end product doesn't mean we aren't helping. Have nice day.
  7. Pilot of Pripyat

    Welcome To The Zone Newcomers! I am Pilot.

    Why yes defecus, but unfortunately life has come in and forced my available times to be only on the weekends. So yes I will stil help, but only on weekend
  8. Pilot of Pripyat

    Mother trucker! No one is friendly ever in game!

    I am here to help... On weekend. My life takes over on weekday. I am someone who will always help. Click the link in signature for more information
  9. Pilot of Pripyat

    HOLY CRAP Six Launcher has UPDATE and works 100% now!!!!

    Very very slow. is best just to do this by hand, let six do other things.
  10. Pilot of Pripyat

    When to Trust

    If you need guide or bodyguard, I help new players on weekends.
  11. Pilot of Pripyat


    Having killed few hackers I can confirm no negative repercussion beside not so much ammo for shiny new toy. But is considered bad form. Be like "Good Guy Greg" and no take banned weapons.
  12. Pilot of Pripyat

    MP5SD mags convertable to M9SD and vice-versa

    Don't overthink the magazine issue yet. I do believe that they need to figure out all possible conversions first before they begin to worry about a Resident Evil Outbreak style magazine system. For instance at the moment I can't convert a dmr mag to a fal mag or an SVD mag. after we have all of these sorts of things, then we should begin asking for a true magazine system.
  13. Pilot of Pripyat

    New DayZ player inbound. Any tips/hints?

    Everyone spawns on the coast, people who are so pissed off about dying and just want to kill something tend to be in the packs of players just looking for gear, but they all go to the same places. Cherno, Elektro, and to a lesser extent Berezino are usually filled with new players playing free for all.
  14. Pilot of Pripyat

    Gille suit bug.

    There is a beta alpha patch available. but due to the sheer volume of players they aren't releasing it until they are sure it fixes more than it breaks. It saddens me that they had to release a beta version of an alpha build because of how whiny we players can be.
  15. Pilot of Pripyat

    New DayZ player inbound. Any tips/hints?

    But I can offer oral advice. If you have to choose between a hatchet and a lee enfield as a weapon, take the hatchet. I wouldn't listen to everyone telling you to shoot on sight. Avoidance is a better tactic, and if they follow you, then you know they are hostile. After you get a compass and maybe a map, head north. Don't stay on the coast for too long. Everyone at NWAF is hostile. Even me while I'm there. There are no friendlies in cherno, only snipers. (except when I meet people there, got a 5 man team from handing an unarmed comrade a weapon, good times) If you decide to go all white knight, give people the gun first, the ammo second, as younger players will not pay attention to the fact they don't have bullets and will pull the trigger before they get ammo. Easy to tell who to kill. *click click* Also, if you are on a server with global and side chat, don't tell people where you are, if someone wants to meet up, invite them to skype or add them on steam and tell them there.
  16. Pilot of Pripyat

    New DayZ player inbound. Any tips/hints?

    Oh wait, are you going to be running 1.7.2? if so than I cannot help you. As I am running until they release a stable version. sorry.
  17. Pilot of Pripyat

    New DayZ player inbound. Any tips/hints?

    I would also be willing to show you the ropes should you need it. Its just how I play.
  18. Pilot of Pripyat

    Welcome To The Zone Newcomers! I am Pilot.

    Ah, I appear to have dozed off... But yes I am well equipped, with what is a private matter. I do not need any less than friendlies asking for my "help" and shooting me in the back.
  19. Pilot of Pripyat

    Welcome To The Zone Newcomers! I am Pilot.

    I am not that kind of pilot my friend. It is entirely dependent on your needs, if you need a guide or your new members trained I can help with that. But at the moment I know very little about you other than your server looks to be running a stable zone. We would have to speak more about this proposition.