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Everything posted by HeidlerVG

  1. HeidlerVG


    Found one in a field north of Stary.
  2. HeidlerVG

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    I'm pretty sure it has almost died out by now...
  3. HeidlerVG

    Why you kill unarmed players

    Long ago, I tried to be the nice guy and help fresh spawns. Every time I did help the nubs, they would backstab me. I said "Screw this!" and now i shoot any player I see. No one can be trusted.
  4. This was a hard read. Check with BE on their website, because no one here can un-ban you.
  5. HeidlerVG

    OFFTOPIC: Halo 4 Big team slayer face rapping

    I'm sorry what? Rapping their faces? I believe you mean "Raping".
  6. Hello, my name is heidler aka humbledrone. I've been playing dayz since early may, and I've been lone wolfing it most of the time. Lone wolfing ,for me, is very boring and I'm looking for a group/clan to play with. I'm good at following orders and am comfortable with any role. I've been playing Arma 2 for two years now and I am highly experienced with the engine and such. I can fly helicopters, but just not land them. I have a mic, ts3, skype, etc... I prefer mature teammates. Anyway, if you're interested, PM me here on the forums or add me on skype Skype: heidlerg
  7. HeidlerVG

    Guess The Location ! (Chernarus)

    @Derpy NE Airfield
  8. HeidlerVG

    Suggestion - Ghosts?

    I think something like Namalsk's atmospheric effects would be better suited for dayz rather than putting in actual ghosts. In my opinion, zombies screeches, animals calls, and explainable sounds would vastly improve the mod.
  9. HeidlerVG

    Repair a helicopter?

    What do i need to repair the chopper? I already have the engine parts and main rotor assembly. What else do i need? The hull is green.
  10. HeidlerVG

    System requirements for Standalone?

    Look up Arma 3's and Take on Helicopter's System Specs, it would be somewhere in that range if I were to say so.
  11. HeidlerVG

    Locked Doors

    Have you seen the buildings on the map? I doubt the poverty stricken people of Chernarus would have solar power.
  12. HeidlerVG

    Why do you like being a bandit?

    I tried to be the "good" guy at first, but it never worked out. I shoot everyone I see. I shoot noobs in the legs and watch them crawl and beg for mercy. These activities bring me much happiness.
  13. HeidlerVG

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes please! Barbed pisses me the hell off.
  14. HeidlerVG


    Well, WarZ copied a lot off of DayZ, so I think it would be right DayZ to take a little some-some from WarZ.
  15. HeidlerVG

    US 1 NY Private Server. Butthurt Admins.

    Ok, I have two problems with this post 1. Wrong place to post this topic 2. It's their server, their private hive. So, they can do whatever they want. Play on a public server or start your own server if you have a problem with their rules/calls.
  16. HeidlerVG

    Famous last words... Dayz edition

    "Hey!" "Friendly?" *Gun shots* "You are dead."
  17. HeidlerVG

    M40A3 a ban-able offence?

    I'm pretty sure they were never in the game in the first place. Either they hacked it in or found it from some hackers. Just be careful who is around when your friends use it. Admins or other players might think your group are hackers.
  18. HeidlerVG

    Standalone : Gameplay Difficulty

    I agree with you, DayZ at the moment seems like deathmatch with zombies. Too repetitive and boring.
  19. HeidlerVG

    Da faq is this?

    Alright, I saw a hacker kill some people on the coast. I decided to search the bodies, and found this odd item. I have never seen anything like this in Arma 2 or DayZ. I'm just curious as to what it is.
  20. HeidlerVG

    Repair a helicopter?

    Thank you!
  21. HeidlerVG

    Repair a helicopter?

    How do i repair the other two parts? The instruments and the other thing...
  22. HeidlerVG

    Streamer using obvious hacks, video evidence

    Wow... What a retard, showing that he is cheating to all of his viewers. I hope he gets banned for stupidity. Another question, how old is he. He sounds like he is 11.
  23. HeidlerVG

    Problems after updating beta patch?

    I updated it manually, and its still not working. Just saying