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About Talon2000uk

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Talon2000uk

    Yep, this mod is dying

    You could say wibble! :D
  2. Talon2000uk

    Bandit makes a fatal mistake!

    Now that is owned. Beans for you for being a cheeky bugger. :D
  3. Ok you seem like a nice guy, but your google foo is weak young man. Day guides Also Three posts below this one And Day Z Guides
  4. I've always though that the level of zombie threat should increase the further North you go. That way as you go up there the challenge would increase along with your gear. You could have it so that there are more zombies. they are harder to kill and they start spawning in the woods not just in the towns. This would mean that down south the noobs would be safer but up north thing would be more challenging and fun for those end game players like me.
  5. You Sir, are a fucking dick!
  6. That is what we in the trade refer to as fucked. :D
  7. When your driving to work and you check the tree line for snipers. True story /sigh. :D
  8. Glad to know its not only me who thinks this way. Hopefully the more we bring this up the more likely it is the Day Z team will consider this. We can but try. :D
  9. Well disabling tents and resetting everyone would get rid of the duping problem. Actually you would need to reset the vehicles as well. But if you did those 3 things Day Z would go back to how it was. I for one would love that. As for people being upset, this is a alpha, I've played loads of beta where your characters get wiped all the time, its part of Beta testing. One thing I don't understand is why this isn't being done on a regular basis. I doubt that the stats Rocket is getting from this alpha are of any use atm because of the rampant duping. It seems pointless to keep running "The Experiment" when the data is tainted. Lets wipe it all and get back to basics. :D
  10. If like me you have been playing this game a while you may have noticed the steady increase in high end gear. I can remember when finding a 5.50 cal or NVGs was a huge deal for our team. In those days PVP meant something, there was a real edge to it because if you died you lost everything. All that changed with the introduction of tents and the duping bug. Now every team has a camp full of duped tents with high level items. I've come across 5 just last night. All stuffed to the gills with high end military loot. Now if you die you just run up north go to a camp and your fully equipped with high end gear inside of 30 mins. The problem with tents is ruining the scavenging side of the game for me and I suspect for a lot of people. There is no risk reward balance any more. The item duping is so out of control now and it not even intentional a lot of times. We did a raid on a camp the other night and netted 10 NVGs and 5 .50 cals. Next day I was passing the same location and on the off chance I went and checked the tents and everything was back. This is happening on every server. What I'm proposing is a purge of the hive. Kill us all remove all tents and then either fix the duping bug or get rid of tents. It would make the game fun again. For bandits and Survivors alike. What does everyone think?
  11. I love people who believe they have the right to tell others how to play a game. Well done Sir. OP. At the moment there is no way to progress in this game, you can and will loose everything to bugs, hacks, server restarts and PVP. While the last one is fine and part of the game the other three means that as a game Day Z is broken. But you see its not a game. Its an Alpha test bed that Rocket is using to develop features for the stand alone game. Yep it sucks, not a lot we can do about it atm I'm afraid. If you find its getting too frustrating, loosing your stuff every five minutes I would suggest you do what I'm doing which is wait for the Stand Alone or at least a stable alpha before going back in. Other than that, it's a case of gritting your teeth and bearing it I'm afraid. My advice is to do what everyone else is doing. Get a tent and dupe all your shit. It's ruining the game of cause but people feel its justified when 99% of the time they don't loose their gear to a player kill but to bugs hacking and server restarts.
  12. Do you live in a basement perhaps? I'm detecting some hostility here. :D Sarcasm, look it up its a useful word. Also Trolling. Lol more beans for you Sir. :D
  13. Its not the new update. I've not updated yet and it happened to me twice yesterday. I think it happens when the hive is under heavy load, if you are taking ages to load into a server and you kill the game your location data gets corrupted and the next time you log in you get assigned a new spawn location on the coast with all your stuff. However it might not be the hive at all but an issue with a particular server. For me it seems to happen a lot on DE 276. Had it happen twice yesterday on that server and not on any others.
  14. Talon2000uk

    How to unflip an ATV

    You sir are my fucking hero! Beans for you. :D
  15. Talon2000uk


    No they don't. That was a hoax. OP at the moment they don't do anything.