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Everything posted by fragba1t

  1. fragba1t

    i am just fed up of this mod

    Don't worry, you would be bored within two weeks anyway. Just came back to this mod after hearing about the new patches, awful, just awful.
  2. fragba1t

    Ingame voice

    Seems to work fine using the Arma 2 beta patch with the latest Dayz update, had great fun last in a 3v3 stand off at the south airfield using direct chat :P
  3. +1 for liking this new addition!
  4. They can't run up dirt mounds around farms either, just make sure you have plenty of ammo :)
  5. fragba1t

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    Really awesome work, I'll be alt+tabbin' to these a lot! :)
  6. fragba1t


    Walking about is fun at first, but after a week of playing it's become a total drag to the point I've marco'd keys to walk for me. I'm also finding after a week the game is getting very repetitive (for me at least) and I'm finding less and less to do.
  7. Manlytears is well known for being an idiot, griefer and cheat/hacker in games. Last game I saw him banned from was CS:GO