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Everything posted by DrPork

  1. DrPork

    Hackers on US467 right now

    The other admins and myself were not aware of this until now, sorry, but we will keep a keen eye out for it. If you're a regular to the server you should probably like our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/DayZ-Server-US-467-Hosted-by-Ninjas-in-Action/403505459696874) or send us an email ([email protected]) so that we can quickly respond to these events and take appropriate action.
  2. DrPork

    Atlanta 65 hosted by Ninjas in Action

    Thanks for the compliments Pedro!
  3. DrPork

    Atlanta 65 hosted by Ninjas in Action

    Check out our Facebook page for server status updates and so that we can start building a community for this great server! http://www.facebook....403505459696874
  4. DrPork

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    Rocket has expressed interest in having the infected to be in certain "stages" of infection recently. What about the idea of implementing that the freshly infected have good use of limbs which help them run and chase at high speeds, but body shots can still put down the freshly infected. Meanwhile, zombies in the later stages of the infection would have poor use of their host body, but due to the complete takeover of the infection, a headshot is required to put it down for good. With that, it satisfies the want for different kinds of zombies, gives purpose to the different stages of the infection, and adds a different element to determining the best way to handle the infected in your path. I use the words "zombie" and "infected" interchangeably because I don't care and it's silly to argue it. It's clear what my point is, so lets not whine over the technicalities.