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Posts posted by outkast

  1. Whenever I launch dayz through the dayz beta shortcut and then go to the server list in games it shows only a few specific servers if i search something like "hive" to find private hives but if I hit refresh 1 - 3 more times the full list of servers pops up that have hive in thier name so its not filtering them correctly also if I change search settings back to default it will do the same thing and only show 1-5 servers then if i hit refresh a couple times it will show more. Any ideas as to why this is happening????

    Thank you!

  2. -How old are you? 22

    -Do you like to follow orders or give them? I like to give them but I also have no problem following them at all

    -Sniper, Recon, Assault, Support, Medic or Other (Please state)? I prefer Sniper and Assault

    -Time zone? Central

    -What are you best at? (Scavenging, Killing, Etc...) Killing, tracking and scaveging

    -Can you record? Yah i can get Fraps

    -Do you have a mic? Yes

    -Is it a good mic? Yes

    Great! Final question:

    -Why do you want to join Mayhem Inc.? I want to join because I am looking for a squad of fun people to play with. I have been playing solo for about 2 weeks since a few of my RL friends decided to take a break and now I dont have anything to exciting to do since im alone, playing with others is way more fun in this game.

  3. What is your age? 22

    How long have you been playing DayZ? Started on May 19th

    Where do you live? Wisconsin, USA

    What role would you prefer? (Assault, Sniper, Medic, etc) Assault and Sniper

    What can you bring to RaO that you promise no other recruit can? I can bring experience, the ability to follow orders, get along with other members and get stuff done.

    Scenarios Questions: Answer with complete honesty and not just one sentence. We are watching B)

    1) You're in base along with another member, and a group of three approach camp without showing signs. How do you react?

    I would alert any other team players that were currently either logged in and elsewhere in the game and those who were on TS who may not be in game to try and call in reinforcements. I would then set up defensive positions with the other clan member based off of what our current weapon load out was (ex: sniper would move out of base to get a shot on them when they were checking tents etc). I would then coordinate with the other member when to fire upon the intruders, attempting to eliminate 2 of the targets at the same time to leave only 1 threat alive and put the odds in our favor. After that open fire on the remaining player, after eliminating him continue to watch for any other back up their group may have had while waiting for reinforcements to come and sweep the area.

    2) You're the Squad leader of the Assault team Alpha and your running across a field to gather Intel on a enemy position and your team is fired upon and two men go down. Whats your first order of action as squad leader?

    My first order would be for everyone to get down and get into cover to prevent any more casualties. I feel this would be the ideal first order in order to preserve as many squad members as possible as well as giving us time to communicate where the shots came from and set up a counterattack measure/call in backup.

    3) During a OP in cherno you and your team come across a survivor with broken legs asking for help. How do you respond?

    I would not risk sending any squad mate near him due to the high probability that as soon as the survivor is helped he would in turn kill the person who helped him for his gear. It is a chance not worth taking.

  4. I lost an as50, 2 pair NVG (had found 1 earlier i was planning to give to a friend), rangefinder, m9sd and mk48 the other day to one as well, just restart and keep looking for stuff. I think I am going to take a break from the game the hackers do just ruin it for everyone but its still fun now and then.

  5. There are only 2 barracks on the map and they are both up in the Northwestern Airfield, check out this map http://dayzdb.com/map look at the top left corner and find the airstrip. Once you find that the two bigger round red circles marks the barracks click on those circles to see what they look like. They are kind of small buildings with a shower and like 4 rooms to check. Best of luck with the looting, be warned this is a high pvp zone.

  6. Currently I am having the same issue, hope we dont have to reinstall to fix battlEye, I tried downloading it from thier site both the 1.60 and 1.61 client and putting it in the expansion battleye folder but it still kept crashing, they are all 32bit not sure if its because im on a 64 bit pc? hmmmm any ideas?

  7. You can either eat food such as canned food or cooked steaks from animals you gut then roast (gives more health) or get a blood transfusion from a blood bag which can be found at hospitals in the bigger cities (someone else has to transfuse you though that way)
