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About insolentfool

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. insolentfool

    Problems with dayz-community-banlist

    just did all this, didnt fix my servers #45 kicks. almost always set off from collisions, but kicked our chopper pilot at 200M altitude just before which was nasty. Managed to bail out and survive but the rest were not so lucky.
  2. insolentfool

    Thats it, i QUIT

    cbf'ed checking all the following posts, but try playing on a different server. Some just suck because they either don't restart often enough or have shitty hardware/connections. bad servers have actually reduced my 60+ fps flawless game experience to 5fps stuttery pieces of 10 second delay bullshit. First game i've ever played where the server performance affects your framerate.
  3. insolentfool

    Really?.... REALLY?!

    second shot looks like it might have actually hit his chest/neck. I've shot people in the face with the m1911 before (as they were trying to axe me etc) and its not always a 1shot kill. They got knocked out but not killed.
  4. m4 sd is easily the best anti zombie gun in the game, but at longer ranges it sucks on moving targets. several times i have lost a pvp fight when i had a m4 sd in my hands where i would have come out on top with lots of other weapon types. if i had to pick a single primary i would go with the mk 48 and have a m9sd pistol. I avoid 99% of zombies and the pistol is plenty for taking out any i cant avoid. Mk 48 will usually drop a player with one bullet, hits dead on target at 400m, has 100rd mag, and can clear a room or a vehicle with no problems. with practice you can kill people at 600m which is within most sniper encounters. I would consider the LA85 if SD rounds didnt go full retard with the accuracy. If i could only have a secondary? PDW. it can use so many ammo types its too hard to pass up as well as being the only full auto pistol. PDW mags, g17, m9,m9sd,mp5,mp5sd mags can all be used for maximum spraying.
  5. insolentfool

    Car hoarding?

    vehicles Correct behaviour is to return to their last saved location on server reset. last saved location is where a player either exited the vehicle or manually saved it. caused many... (but not all) vehicles to return to their spawn every server reset, regardless of them being destroyed or not. With they will again return to wherever they were last saved. I'm pretty sure the people who have legitimately gathered a dozen vehicles at one time have a general idea of how they work. And the name's Insolentfool, not ignorantfool.
  6. insolentfool

    Did I waste 30$ ???

    yeah this game has been the worst value for money ever. I've only gotten like 600 hours on this game and i was so frustrated about how crap it was i bought a second copy for my laptop in the steam sales. so i've paid $45 for two copies of a game. I wish there was something else i could do with arma 2 other then play day z.
  7. insolentfool

    Car hoarding?

    so much ignorance. Destroyed vehicles will respawn in the same location with the same gear on server restart on any server vehicles are working normally. Also any vehicles saved off the map return to spawn after 24 hours. I have gathered many vehicles, as after hundreds of hours playing its one of the "end game" type activities you can do. A coodinated crew of half a dozen can easily own 10 vehicles. It has its own limiting factors though. Any camps with that many cars is easy as hell to spot. You can spread your investment over multiple locations but that actually increases the chance of one of them getting found. Imagine you come back to camp and 1 car is missing.... do you have any idea how long it can take 2-3 people to move 6 cars 2+ k's away? Every time you leave the base you risk not bringing back the car. Attrition begins to add up. Quad bikes can be flipped... cars can be crashed.. choppers are risky as hell due to hackers wanting to shoot you down in AA tanks (usually how we lose ours). When we get bored and drive down to cherno/electro for some action we only get the car back 1/2 the time. The only reason people complain about vehicle hoarding is they don't have the patience to go do what the hoarders do... go looking for them instead of just using a lootmap and going to their spawn. Give me 2-3 hours and ill find a vehicle guaranteed. Give me 1 hour and a pushbike and ill find several. Once you have 1 all the rest come faaaaaaaaar easier. Want a vehicle? Make some friends. 3-4 people can search the north end of the map in an hour on foot, checking all the best spots for bases.
  8. insolentfool

    Loot spawns should be coordinated with hive

    Even if this was to work, this would be far more work then character creation and saving and massively increase the server load. Unless some programming genius turns the system into using a fraction of its current resources this just isn't feasible.
  9. As i understand it, the game saves vehicles whenever someone exits it. This includes ejecting. At the moment this has not been a massive issue as many servers have a resetting chopper every time the server reboots. But what happens if you get shotdown over water or trees and you eject/land and get out before it blows? Ejecting works, people will try it. What happens if somone drives a car into the water? it will respawn in a unsafe location and be destroyed every time the server reboots. As long as its on the map it will then take 7 days before respawning. Perhaps there could be a check implemented either in the alpha or standalone to check if a vehicle is in a "dud" location and give it a reset sooner. This has happened to our crew once on a server, all that happened was there was some exploded trees in the one location for a week and was impossible to retrieve the chopper.
  10. insolentfool

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    i've seen several of these threads deleted. John doe the newbie gets hacked then sees something like this and gets hacks to teach them a lesson. the problem is even if one person could do a great job of this, dozens will get power crazed and abuse their new powers and end up no worse then the hackers themselves. You know why people dont get banned when someone says" he hacked!"? because all it takes is their say so to punish an enemy. I live in Australia. Many years ago some genius decided it would be a good idea to bring in Cane toads to eat bugs causing a bit of grief. Years later we have millions upon millions of the bastards swarming over half our country causing way more problems then they were supposed to fix. While i applaud robin hoods efforts, This is not the way to deal with it by encouraging vigilantes.
  11. if the game can be run in a window you could do that, havent even bothered looking though as i use a laptop.
  12. one time me and a mate were on a server with only 2 other people. we thought stary would be nice and safe for a loot run so drove straight in and started looting. Got ambushed as we were leaving by the only other 2 guys on the server. Needless to say we now have overwatch no matter what.
  13. And another hacker just took back the vehicles we stole from his base, left a note laughing at us. Fuck this game, 3 different hackers in 2 hours.
  14. 2 minutes after shooting down a chopper and killing "KOS | Netsky" and "synergy - elvte" I was teleported onto the beach somewhere and instantly shot by 2-3 people around me. This occured at approx 5:00pm AEST
  15. insolentfool


    This same guy attacked us only a few minutes earlier at like 3:03 AEST, red beret, clown face and axe. He appeared next to me and yelled ARHHH You're going to die. His name was Dogs, I tried to get a screenshot of him but only got his text.