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About lowey2002

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lowey2002

    Day z clans [AUSTRALIAN ONLY]

    skype: lowey_2002 steam: lowey2002
  2. lowey2002

    australian/new zealand players

    Mind if I join up?
  3. lowey2002

    Day z clans [AUSTRALIAN ONLY]

    Another Aussie here looking to team up. I'm 27, have teamspeak, mumble and skype. Only been playing for 2 days but I've been watching let's play on youtube and twitch for about a month so I know my way around the map and the loot spots for the major cities. Just died after a pretty decent run of about 5 hours - hit electro, rog and gorka before dying from a server glitch (was teleported 200m in the air and fell to my death, happened to everyone at the same time).
  4. lowey2002

    Introduce yourselves

    Hi, really loving this game. Ingame 'Christopher' usually on the AUZ servers.