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About martin.pleister@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Gaming, Playing guitar, Coding, Hanging out with friends.

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  • Bio
    Crazy, 24yo, Dutch, Student, Much more, just ask me lol
  1. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    Is this game dying?

    Says the one posting inaccurate info that only denotes that Gamescon is currently open for public instead of the official press-release by BI stating that they'll be there 'till the 19th.
  2. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    [VIDEO] The great Sunday clan hunt

    Great series, watched them all and love how you explained the tactics so well. I think not cutting out 80% of a vid gives a more detailed overview on what's actually happening, rather than having to narrate between the highlights. You have my beans mate! :D
  3. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    LU291 Admin abuse with video

    As visible in this topic, we're working out a friendly solution to this incident. They have acknowledged they were wrong here and are willing to find a solution directly with us. There's no more need for a blacklisting of their server as far as we're concerned, since they are cooperative and were not consciously trying to cheat the rules. We've made them aware of the rules that are in place and they said they'll alter their behaviour to be according to the hosting rules.
  4. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    LU291 Admin abuse with video

    Look at their server stats on GameTracker. It happened every single day since they got their server. I think they're used to it on their other servers as well, since they're an ArmA II clan.
  5. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    LU291 Admin abuse with video

    I placed a topic on their server, asking what this was all about and pointing them out that we made this complaint on the forums. This is the literal reply of one of their server admins (not the one we shot): Their server info on GameTracker confirms this behaviour. (Click here for the complete page on GT) I don't think I have to remind anyone that this is against the rules laid out by Rocket and his team. The topic on their forums can be found here.
  6. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    Ah, my apologies mate, I didn't mean it in such an offensive way when I wrote it, but now that I see it again, it does sound quite aggressive. I guess that's yet another great example of how intonation of words is very important and can't be conveyed through written posts. If I really think someone is dumb, I generally don't even call them dumb fuck or anything like that, I just point them out -why- exactly they are dumb and should feel ashamed of themselves ;) Hmmm, I'm using RockMelt, which is a Chrome-based browser and I've never had such problems. Will look out for them though. :)
  7. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    LU291 Admin abuse with video

    The server completely shut down and hasn't been online since. You can find their server on GameTracker.You can check if you want to. On their forums we've also notified them about our complaint of admin abuse (linked to this topic) and up till now, no one of their clan has responded.
  8. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    I've looked all through this thread and any others concerning Elysium I've posted in and can't find this anywhere. In fact, in this topic, I haven't called anyone a "dumb fuck" or anything like that, I only called you unlucky, since you ran into me the way you did. On another note, if you want to show an image that is on your pc, you'll have to open up the "More Reply Options". From there, you can select attachments and upload them with your message. All we see now is a link to the file on your computer that only works for you (or someone who, by any chance, has the exact same folder- and filenames. ;)
  9. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    [VIDEO] The Ambush

    Fun-fact: he doesn't even -have- a tent. Also the tent duplication glitch has been completely removed as of with Hive 1.7.2
  10. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    Naltron, he doesn't have Threatty's recording, since he only recorded himself. It -is- RAW material, but the moment you're referring to isn't caught on Scrub's tape.
  11. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    Hey Naltron! Sorry for surprising you this morning (figure it was night time where you live), but don't ever scare me like that anymore, almost stepping on my head with a ghillie and an FN FAL mate, if you then continue to walk away and aim for my head rather than saying something in direct comms, you signed your death contract. Anyway, ghosting? He didn't ghost at all on the first heli down, I don't know where you see it, the only thing he did was remove a part of the time he ran through the forest to keep the video interesting. Or would you rather have watched someone run through a forest for 6 minutes with a chopper flying somewhere overhead without anything else happening?
  12. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    I think you don't understand what I'm saying. Let me explain step by step: 1) Before this incident, there was another incident. 2) Both parties agreed on a lifting of the ban, without ever being notified about the rules in place for SA's. 3) Another incident (this one arises). 4) After a heated discussion all parties agree that the bans were unjustified. 5) In the same topic, you are notified of the actual server rules, showing you that what happened was wrong. 6) I state that this was a bit clumsy, but that I'll just let this pass as a last warning. 7) (The present) If a likewise situation occurs in the future on your server where this form of admin abuse (as established at point 5) takes place, the last warning was not heeded and a ticket will be made. Is that easier to understand? Now, let me explain something very similar denoting how you were wrong in the post to ballz. As a Bachelor of Science on the field of Computer Science, I do understand that the terminology for computers may be hard to understand at times. Let me explain the difference between Restarting and Shutting down. When you shut down something in computer language, it means you're turning it off and it will stay off. Restarting something in computer language means shutting it down, and when it's completely shut down, start it up straight away. The easiest way to check that I'm right would be to restart your computer, just take a look at what your Windows says it's doing. You'll find that it says "Shutting down", even though you're restarting it. On a sidenote, you guys keep stating that you guys already knew for a long while that Xerpt was a spy in your midst. If you indeed already knew that, why the hell would you be surprised by the ambush, even moreover so since you've been getting killed by us earlier as well? Either you guys are lying about already knowing Xerpt was a spy in your team, or you're lying about thinking it was an ambush laid out by hackers. Bottomline: - I will not file a ticket now, because you deserve a second chance. - Restarting a server -EQUALS- shutting it down for a short while. - You guys are lying about either knowing about the spy, or thinking it was hackers.
  13. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    That's how it showed up when I looked in arma2.swec.se, so that wasn't a typo until you renamed it again a short while ago. For the rest, ballzfernando is giving you a quite accurate reasoning why what happened here was wrong. It happened once before, but this time you were pointed out why it was wrong, so I'll just count this as the last warning. Any next time stuff like this happens, a ticket will be filed right away.
  14. martin.pleister@gmail.com

    [VIDEO] The Ambush

    Yeah, but still, this was the grand operation, I just killed one quite unlucky and dumb fuck who should have shot me long before I shot him :P No, whiners, like you, ruin DayZ. QFT, also, if someone pops up right beside you, you're practically dead if you've got a sniper equipped, whereas with an AK you can resort to the tactic "Spray'n'Pray" and come out alive and killing the enemy roughly every single time.