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About Bishdark

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    On the Coast
  1. I have a great tale of woe and then triumph. My character was weeks old, been alive a long time, only killed one player in that time and had m16a1 with the launcher, all hunting stuff, 3 water bottles, navigation apart from gps and nvg. So I am waiting for a German friend to log on as he was having issues logging in, then BANG. Dead. I spend the next 5 minutes thinking about how someone saw me in the middle of the northern no where and in a bush that was in a ditch. I decide, at least half decide it could be cheaters (I dont use the term hackers as half these guys are too dumb to hack anything). So I respawn, not too far from cherno. I have a map printed off so I take a quick look and see I can head toward Starry and go north east into the wild to my body, hopefully find most of my things. I went through another town, Lee Enfield, Makarov, both 2 clips. As I leave the town in tow with 10 zombies or so, I hear a chopper. My heart races as I havent seen one yet, I look around desperate to see it, then I hear the shots, most of the zombies are going down, but also the shots are getting rather close, so I duck in to a tree line and some rocks, see only 1 zombie left who seemed to lose me in the confusion and I wait. Now I will explain what I later realised went down, as at the time I had no clue. I hear loud bangs, the chopper goes down, I hear gunshots, so I creep up on the area and there are 2 dead players, I think one is in a group of 3 cheaters, and one is a player that thought he would have a go at killing them and got 1. They spawn another chopper, and a crate. I wait 20m away from them behind a tree, contemplate sneaking up with the makarov as I used all my enflield rounds on the zombies earlier. Decide not to, I wait and they finally fly off. All this is 10 minutes after my death. I go down, look in the crate, 50 of every item in there except bags. I then fight with my morales and leave it alone. But the corpse a little further on, he must had a little loot, got the m4 version of my gun from him, all the stuff I had but also nvg and Ghuiliie suit. All in all, it was a good day. WIsh I was streaming or recording it!
  2. Bishdark

    DayZ struggling?

    Maybe OP doesnt mean struggling in the sense of numbers, but in stability. Majority of people that remain playing this game after a day love it, but then how long does that last? As an example, I play in a group of 4. We scavange, and if we see a player, we monitor them, often just letting them go about their business till they move on, they seem threatening we will defend ourselves. So we practically pure PVE. We enjoy looking for items, crash sites, keeping stocked up on goods. But then when you are walking around with an m16 that has a nade launcher, 3 water bottles, hunting equipment and navigation equipment. Game seems to fade. Now 2 of the group have stopped playing for now, they dont see much of a point in long journeys town to town when they are well equipped, one is eagerly watching Warz and 2 of us remain willing to investigate towns. 1 Of these two, not myself, is only playing because he wants to find a vehicle. How many of the 900,000 are feeling this way also you have to ask? Will they return when something more is patched in? We have been alive a few weeks now, end game loses its charm, and as I very much love this title, I hope something more is in place soon to give more purpose to well equipped guys not wanting to punish other players.
  3. Bishdark

    IF this was an actual game...

    Good question. - Game purchase only -, the fps model of renting servers. Also the option of PVE and PVP modes would be nice, gear not carrying from one to the other though. Free to play buy your shit model is a good model, and will grow in the future, major problem it attracts hackers, and if the bought gear is giving too much of an advantage then it gives poorer players a kick in the teeth. Not to mention those that dont pay, the game time doubles on finding things purely because they dont want to spend money on an in-game item, them buying the game they can understand. Apb is a good game to look at for why this works, and really doesnt. With the current viral sense of this game, some clever marketing and this game could pop huge. With polish this game could define its own genre. So that being said, - Studio developed, with a lot of community freedom -. Bethesda or valve style I guess. Sorry for not keeping it too short. DLCs could also be a great thing for the release of this game. But I would think it would have to wait for arma dlcs, large new maps etc.
  4. Bishdark

    World too big for own good?

    Not at all, this isnt a map changing fps, this is an open world fps that borders on mmo. This isnt about combat with players, or with zeds, its about survival. To do that you need equipment, to do that you must travel to far and not so exotic places to find such things. Sometimes you will enter a few apartments and you have all you need to hunt and cook game, othertimes, such as my current game, you will have an m4a3 cco, 20 clips, food, drink, a few bandages, but no means to start a fire or meds (friend has some though). You see, I wont say go back to cod, as bf3 is better anyway, but if you want combat, stick to the cities, go off, get a weapon, enter Cherno and kill players in the bean wars, many do it, which is why when I spawn, I dont go near those areas. Oh, back to the point of the thread. So the map size, in essence, could even be too small. Yes with a little investigating towns it can take hours to get from A to B, but that is the point, the journey is to me more fun than the getting shot at by some dick sniper in a bush in the middle of no where. Get out there and see the world good sir. Mind the zeds though.
  5. I did think there would be a rage 28 days later comment at some point. But I dont understand why dayz zeds struggle to walk or crawl, then suddenly can run and hit faster than an average to strong human. The force required to break a human leg is immence. Especially the femur. So lets go on the theory that when the player suffers such an accident, its the shin bone. Now its a sturdy bone, for something as strong as a healthy human to break it with force it would require some weight behind it, or leverage, or both. Look at football leg breaks, normally the tackling player is off his feet, all his weight behind him and with momentum going into a player, who has his feet stuck in the ground through studded boots. This simply isnt the case in dayz, we have zeds that can barely walk, but then run faster than humans and can break legs with no momentum or leverage. If the zed stuck me on the ground and put me in a grapple breaking my ankle fine, but it doesnt, it swings at my head and breaks my leg with minimal force. I do also in this theme take issue with the incredible amount of bleeding a zed can cause, someone should tell mma fighters that open hand strikes with no weight behind them can cause a human to lose an eighth of their blood. Because from what I have seen in boxing/mma, is that the hardest hitters in the world seem to cause wounds that clot with a little fuss, not a full trauma bandage. I think there should be a pain level for zeds, and once you are down they feed and make you bleed. One could say you need a game without zombies. The arguments I have seen in this thread against zeds alerness has been one of realism more than difficulty. For example, if I fire a weapon 100m from a zed, a walking dead body (I refuse to believe these are rage infected due to walking), and it cannot see me, I do not expect it to suddenly zero in on my position like a heat seeking missle. Some healthy humans struggle to point out direction of gun fire, sounds short and loud such as that bounce off things and can be hard to point out, just watch any combat footage of such a situation. I dont disagree that zeds should investigate, but not at full pelt, if they cant clearly sight you, then they should only wander over to investigate, giving you some grace time to get away. As for a few other comments on zeds being easy to shake. Try it without using the barn glitch, or somewhere with minimal hills. Fact is, if it was not for the fact zeds seem to have some sort of agoraphobia and only seem able to walk in-doors, or zeds very much disliked you stepping behind a tree for a second while going up a steep incline, they would be near impossible to shake, they seem to not suffer any muscle degradation from death at all. There needs to be a cut off point, a distance from the zeds spawn it will give up chase, or a time a zed can run from, possibly a variant in that time also.
  6. Ok so here is my opinion. I want to say, overall I love this game, it has a great concept and with some polish will be outstanding. Now let me get into my issues, and let me stress that these are my opinion. Firstly lets hit the hot topic of zeds. They are too hard, simple as that for me. They are hard in the sense that the game lacks freedom due to them. They aggro far too easily, are a nightmare to lose unless you count glitching them in a building, considering you start with no weapons, the initial immersion is lost in running for 15 minutes to shake them. The player should start with a weapon, again that is simple for me. When/if there are more added, it could be random generated, rare could be a decent pistol, common a crowbar or bat or something. Then the player can really start to play the game from spawn. And not get jumped by another player with a hatchet immediately. At the moment the player has to cast off as little as 5 minutes to as high as you like of gaming time after death due to finding a weapon. To me personally, this is not an enjoyable part of the game. Once I have a weapon, and I can actually defend myself if randomly spotted and looking for food/better equipment etc, then the game is great fun. When the zed catches up to you, and with its mystical in built turbo warp system which means it can catch you in a matter of seconds from half a km away. they do seem to be more annoying that hard. Broken bones is something that needs reworking, really isnt worth doing much but suicide if friends arent online and you break your bone with no morphine, suicide and start again no matter what you are carrying. Bleeding I think is excessive, food shouldnt plain replace blood, but instead add a blood regen buff that takes in to consideration what you are doing. If you rest in prone or crouch a while, you regen fast, if running you regen slow. Also having to bandage from blunt force zed trauma is just silly. Blood from blunt force should be very slow in loss and would clot within minutes, bullet wounds of course high in loss. So let me add some personal suggestion hopefully for consideration. - Zeds getting a constant speed, same speed as player, but easier to shake after 'x' time or 'x' distance they quit. So when the barn glitch is fixed, the game isnt some homage to Harry Hill. And please fix the warping. Also a stumble or trip effect would be nice, or maybe them bumping in to things. -Broken limbs only for fall damage. It would take a rather strong human to break a leg, or a decent grapple hold, rotting corpses would unlikely do this. -Zed damage not causing current bleeding, but instead the player having a pain level where they can pass out after too much pain, making painkillers more valuable. Bullet wounds still cause same bleeding. When passed out, the zombie can feed on the player causing massive bleeding. This would mean dealing with zeds becomes a little less risky, unless you get more than a few, then you are going down no questions, but tactical picking them off is rewarded. -Add a map wide kind of trucker channel, where players can warn about bandits, the current map marking is underused or doesnt update. -Make Bandits obvious once again. Bit tired of seeing another player and never thinking of grouping up as everyone just kills everyone. -Zeds hearing needs a tweak. Some healthy humans have problems with directionality, yet rotting meatsacks can pin point a gunshot and run at it in mere seconds with no second guesses. My hope would be, if you shoot, and a zed is curious it will walk in that direction, unless you are in line of sight. But you get a chance to escape or take cover in a building and brace for an attack. -Spread loot out, make rare items appear randomly in small towns, as currently there isnt much reward for investigating small areas. On top of that, on a reasonably full server, going to the airfield is suicide by camping sniper. Not that I disagree with it, this games about freedom and if someone wants to play that way, then fair enough, but we should be able to recieve or give warnings to other friendly players. -Add an experience map, the player maps as they investigate areas, or even an assassin creed style vantage point mapping system. This could mark markets, bars, hospitals, anything of importance. Then of course if the player finds a map it opens up, but keeps areas of importance. As you can see, my suggestions make zeds easier, but not too much, mostly when giving chase. But makes it more effective to survive zed attacks, or less frustrating. The pain damage I mention could be high, but I would prefer it to modify depending on amount of zeds hitting at once. Nearly all zombie lore, one isnt a problem, untill its buddies turn up. Currently a single zed can cause you to lose 2000 blood easily, especially when you are in melee, it warps behind you, can break limbs quite often, and you sometimes end up pulling more. One more thing, maybe in the future of the game. Factions. Friendly and bandits being more defined. With a block on players choosing to be friendly on firing upon other friendly players. Just simple means there is no fuss when you see another player in trouble to whether you help or not. Maybe even a pve server, the gear from which would not cross over in to a pvp server, but it is there to welcome a wider audience. Me personally, I have died from most player encounters, killed a few that shot at me, but I still enjoy the tension a player nearby brings.