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bav (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bav (DayZ)

  1. myDayZ Community Hive Detailed information can be found at mydayz.de/en/hive. We are offering content and services in english and german. The myDayZ Community Hive offers a secure and independent environment with less hacker pollution and excellent server performance. Besides the known DayZ map Chernarus, we are hosting several custom maps and mods. For example: Taviana, Celle, DayZ 2017. All of our gameservers are protected with our whitelisting technology, which allows players to join our servers if they got throuh our whitelisting process. We provide some additional services like Character Rollback and Abuse Management to punish players who do not obey our hive policy. With the Community Hive, we want to create an environment where you can enjoy DayZ. Get in touch with thousands of players! Our hive policy #1 Cheating/exploiting/hacking is forbidden under any circumstances. #2 Do not use hacked/duped items. #3 No combat logging/death dodging. #4 No ghosting. #5 It's not allowed to insult other players Our gameservers Chernarus: MYDAYZ#1 - Chernarus [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de MYDAYZ#2 - Chernarus [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-0] private Hive by myDayZ.de MYDAYZ#5 - Chernarus [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de We are using Ghosting and Server-Hopping Protection for servers which are connected to the same hive - To prohibit ghosting and server hopping you will be able to join another Chernarus server after a lockout time of 15 minutes. You can instantly reconnect to the server where you came from though. Chernarus EXPERT: MYDAYZ#11 - Chernarus Expert [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [MERCENARY][GMT-1] private Hive by myDayZ.de Chernarus 2.0: (what's Chernarus 2.0?) MYDAYZ#10 - Chernarus 2.0 [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de Taviana: MYDAYZ#12 - Taviana [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de DayZ 2017: MYDAYZ#13 - DayZ 2017 [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de Panthera Island: MYDAYZ#6 - Panthera [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de Celle: MYDAYZ#7 - Celle [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de Namalsk: MYDAYZ#8 - Namalsk [whitelist: "]http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de Hive Whitelist The myDayZ Community Hive is protected with our whitelisting system technology, which prevents players from joining which are not on our whitelist. We are the first and currently only Provider of a whitelisted private Hive with SMS Verification to create a secure environment. Detalied information about whitelisting can be found at mydayz.de/en/hive#whitelist. Our services Character Rollback - If you lost your character or your gear due to a bug or hacker we provide you to request a Character Rollback. Use our Rollback Request area in our forums. If we can verify the hack or bug, you'll get your character rolled back. Abuse Management - Players should stick to our community hive policy. If you encounter a player who is breaking our rules, you have the opportunity to create a thread in our Abuse Management area in our forums. We will check the posted issue and warn or ban cheaters, combat loggers, etc. accordingly. Community Hive maintenance - We enhance our existing mechanics, tools and features constantly and develop new ones on a regular basis to provide the players on our servers a great DayZ experience. For example: We are checking the servers regularly if someone broke our rules by duping or hacking, even without a report in our forums. Thousands of whitelisted players are enjoying our servers already, now it is your turn to join in. Get part of this international DayZ community! myDayZ - your #1 DayZ Source Hive information: mydayz.de/en/hive FAQ: mydayz.de/en/faq Forum: forum.mydayz.de myDayZ provides content and services in english and german.
  2. We will add Construction Features to our Chernarus servers in the near future. You will have the opportunity to build bases and in some circumstances even to lock them.
  3. bav (DayZ)

    Any DayZ 2017 servers out there?

    Try this one: MYDAYZ#13 - DayZ 2017 [whitelist: http://hive.mydayz.de] [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] private Hive by myDayZ.de Information about whitelisting can be found here: mydayz.de/en/hive#whitelist
  4. bav (DayZ)

    Taviana Online Map (like dayzdb)

    We added Celle too and working on the coordinates. ;)
  5. myDayZ.de - the Number 1 Source for DayZ We are offering German and English content! We are running one of the the best private Hives in the world. Recent News: We are proud to announce that myDayZ is offering its features, content and services now in english too. Stop by, check our News, Forums, Guides and top ranked whitelisted private Hive with 3 Chernarus Servers, 1 Lingor Server and 1 Takistan Server. myDayZ is an Internet Gaming Platform, dedicated to bringing premium content and services in German and English for Bohemia Interactives DayZ. Gameservers: Community Hive Gameservers: (Whitelist Information: hive.mydayz.de) MYDAYZ#1 (Chernarus) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: on MYDAYZ#2 (Chernarus) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: on MYDAYZ#3 (Lingor) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: on MYDAYZ#4 (Takistan) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: on MYDAYZ#5 (Chernarus) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: on Official Hive Gameservers: DE 285 (GMT -5) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: on DE 373 (GMT -5) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: on DE 516 (GMT +2) Veteran / Crosshair: off / 3rd Person: off Lingor Hive Gameservers: Lingor DE#68 (GMT -7) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: off Lingor DE#19 (GMT -7) Veteran / Crosshair: on / 3rd Person: off Public Teamspeak: ts3server://mydayz.de?port=9999 German Information: myDayZ.de ist ein Internet-Spieleportal, das sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat erstklassigen Inhalt in deutscher und englischer Sprache für Bohemia Interactices DayZ zu bieten. Unser Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf dem Bereitstellen von Neuigkeiten, Informationen von Einsteigerhilfen bis Profi-Tipps und dem Bilden einer Basis für einzigartige Spielerinteraktion durch unsere sehr beliebten Gameserver und den Community Hive. Unsere eigens gehosteten DayZ Gameserver bieten zusammen mit einem umfangreichen DayZ-Wiki, den neusten Information der DayZ Entwickler, einem großen Forum und regelmäßigen Events ein großes Angebot um ein optimales Spielerlebnis zu erzeugen. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Gruppen, welche regelmäßig auf unseren Gameservern Spielen einen eigen geschützten TS3 Channel sowie ein geschütztes Unterforum, um ungestörte Absprachen zu ermöglichen. Details im Forum. Want to get part of the Team? You have writing skills or you are good at editing videos or you just want to help us out in another way? Visit myDayZ.de and drop me a PM at our forums. Or just write us an email to [email protected]. Spieler die gerne etwas zu diesem Projekt beitragen möchten, können sich PM bei mir melden. Alternativ auch per Mail an [email protected].
  6. We just released a new information page for our whitelisted private hive: http://mydayz.de/en/hive Die Informationsseite ist natürlich auf auf Deutsch aktualisiert worden: http://mydayz.de/hive
  7. We're proud to announce that we are now offering english content too! ;) Therefore, updated the first post! Enjoy the site and drop us a line in our forums. Any feedback is appreciated!
  8. bav (DayZ)

    The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

    Besides the two Chernarus Servers, we are offering whitelisted private Hive Servers for Lingor and Takistan too. Utes and Fallujah will follow shortly and we're planning on adding another Chernarus Server, because the current ones are really well populated.
  9. bav (DayZ)

    The Hunter Becomes The Hunted

    English speaking users should use hive.mydayz.de - english information and a 'how to' for whitelisting. @ngotie: Great Videos! Keep up the good work!
  10. We are using Bliss on our private hives, and our servers are top ranked at GT. Having over 2000 whitelisted users speaks for itself. hive.mydayz.de (EN/DE Information)
  11. Updated topic with private hive servers and information for german or/and english speaking individuals who are interested in becoming part of the project team. (Video Editor / Übersetzer / Writer (english))
  12. bav (DayZ)

    DayZ Private hive server EU

    Hi shuuked, we just set up more servers on the whitelisted Community Hive. Added another Chernarus server (MYDAYZ#2) and a Lingor server too (MYDAYZ#3). Have fun. regards bav
  13. bav (DayZ)

    Nice to know that 2,000 bans do nothing

    Hi Broter, we had one incident last week with a hacker who registered several GUIDs and killed players twice. We banned him and rolled backed the DB so players can go on with their gear from before the mass teleport kill. If a hacker slips through or registers, we can identify him very fast and ban him. There is no way to keep hackers of a server when you want to play on it with a high and active population. We will also introduce a VIP hive server where it will be harder to get on, since you need an amount of forum posts and need to be registered for X days etc. So everyone has the chance to play even more "safely". But you can NEVER lock out hackers. You can just create barriers for them. regards bav Community Hive information in english and german: hive.mydayz.de
  14. Freut mich zu hören, das Feedback geb ich ans ganze Team weiter. :) Des Weiteren gibt es kommende Woche das erste Event. Informationen dazu findet Ihr hier: Community Meet Up + Arena Event
  15. Just updated Gameserver-List. If you encounter any issues, feel free to drop a line on our DayZ Forum. Thanks!
  16. There are several new guides and tutorials in our german DayZ Forum. Please check it out if you like. Es gibt einige neue Guides und Tutorials in unserem deutschen DayZ Forum. Vorbeischauen lohnt sich.
  17. Check out mydayz.de, you should find a partner or group of dedicated players in our forums. There are actually several people searching and some squads need additional players too.
  18. Are you attending Gamescom in Cologne in two weeks? Meet up with community and myDayZ.de staff members on site! Seid ihr in zwei Wochen auf der Gamescom in Köln? Trefft Spieler aus der Community und myDayz.de Admins!
  19. Sollte sich noch der ein oder andere DayZ Begeisterte dafür interessieren dieses Projekt mitzugestalten, einfach per PM in unserem Forum oder via Kontaktformular melden. :) Helfende Hände sind immer Willkommen!
  20. Wie ganz oben beschrieben freuen wir uns auch über jede helfende Hand um z.B. das Wiki noch umfangreicher zu machen :-)
  21. Serverliste aktualisiert. :)
  22. Easy to say, hard to get it actually working ;) For example: We are one of the few sites WITHOUT ANY Ads.
  23. Neue Spieler finden vor Allem auf unserem Teamspeak3 Server Anschluss. Also schaut vorbei ;)
  24. bav (DayZ)

    Third Person and flashlight

    When you are new to DayZ you should maybe try a server where it is currently daylight. Gameplay at night is more difficult by several magnitues.
  25. bav (DayZ)

    Suche Deutschen mitspieler

    Hi, ihr könnt mal unter mydayz.de vorbei schauen. Dort sind eigentlich immer der eine oder andere Spieler im TS und wir haben 2 (bald 3) eigene Gameserver :) Im Forum könnt ihr euch auch mit anderen Spielern kurzschließen/verabreden