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About PitBullTerrorist

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    On the Coast
  1. PitBullTerrorist

    Reduce Infected Speed To That Of Crouch Run ????

    Crouched run i mentioned as its a speed u can recognize easy enuff , maybe as been said a bit too slow , but u get the genral idea , they need to be a tad slower so u can actually mount a attack
  2. I know there has been many post on how zed's speed is screwed ect ect . Many of ya have probally played the running game when unequipped for the majority of a hour after spawning , or how about trying to change to side arm to save ammo whilst being chased only to stop dead whilst the animation goes thru its motions to be smacked and dropped with 1 hit breaking legs and knocking u unconcious. As they are its just fustratng , if they had a max speed equivilent to your crouching run speed this would give u the chance to atleast make some distance to be able to escape or even to just change weapon to sidearm. A couple of patches ago i was on a server with 1400 zed's and it ran well , maybe if they that tad slower u can increase the amounts of them , and make them as relentless if not more in there persuit of u , this may take away from the banditry also as ppls will have to band together more to enter the towns/citys where more zeds will be. 1 or 2 zeds chasing u isnt frightening its just plain annoying , i would sooner have 20-30 slower moving zeds on my case where i can run , put some distance turn and drop a few then continue . let the flaming commence :)
  3. PitBullTerrorist

    Geez -- Graphical Issues galore!

    was in cherno and it was a night mare , i dont think its the barbwire , more 1 of the dead soldier models on floor , so will be found around medical tents airfields ect
  4. PitBullTerrorist

    Pending Update: Build

    Alt-f4 (ing) - why not make it so u have to sit down before being able to log out ? am sure i saw the key bind for it in controls .
  5. PitBullTerrorist

    Idea for Whiskey Still's

    Wandering the forests can be a lonely trek boring execpt for the seldomly found deer hide's . My suggestion is to have the ability to find whiskey stills which can be hidden away in forests where houses/anything else is sparse. Additionally , maybe u can use found stills to refill the empty JD bottles that are found lying about , could possible be filled in same way that you fill the empty water bottles , this could then give u the effect of warming u thru / killing pain , but maybe at the cost of having screen slighty blur due to the effects of alcahol , maybe even drinking to much causes u to fall unconcious . Additionally if u could find rags ect u could make motolov's ?
  6. PitBullTerrorist

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    My experiance's yesterday were all positive , everything looked smoother and graphically better imo , loading times reduced significantly , and at 1 poitn was on a server with 1800 Z's , even then it was smooth as a babys ....................................cheek