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About lemme86@googlemail.com

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  1. lemme86@googlemail.com

    script kiddie found i think

    I know that this is only the Join message and that he hasnt spawned that on my Server.I have copied the join together that it is possible to see that he joined with it. That was not my Question. But this Weapon isnt in Dayz and for that reason he is abusing. When he has taken that from another one who has scripted that is "wayne" and now his Problem. When other admins would be helpfull like leepfrog then the shame with this type of players would loose the fun really fast. "In our Land we can drive cars when we know how to drive. We mustnt know how to build a car." Same thing with servers, i am willing to learn how all that stuff works and like helpful comments. Trolls are ignored, thanks
  2. lemme86@googlemail.com

    script kiddie found i think

    Found something strange in the Logs. 7:56:03 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "34649478" ohneGNADE :: XSYST" 7:56:05 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,'23326977',[144,[4729.6,2988.55,0.00186157]],[["ItemFlashlight","ItemWatch","ItemToolbox","ItemGPS","Binocular","ItemMap","ItemKnife","ItemCompass","ItemMatchbox","ItemEtool","glock17_EP1","ItemHatchet","NVGoggles","BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo"],[["ItemWaterbottle",29],"10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","FoodCanSardines","FoodCanPasta","ItemPainkiller","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",12],"ItemBandage","ItemBandage",["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",13],["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",6],["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",6],"17Rnd_9x19_glock17","ItemBandage"]],["DZ_Backpack_EP1",[[],[]],[["ItemEpinephrine","ItemMorphine","ItemBloodbag","10Rnd_127x99_m107","FoodSteakCooked","ItemWaterbottle","HandGrenade_West","ItemHeatPack","ItemSodaCoke","30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD"],[1,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,2]]],[1352,3413,3413],"Survivor2_DZ",0.94]" I dont think this Weapon is in DayZ. So i really would like to see his ass banned. When another Admin would have a Tip to get his ID it would be great. My Rcon Tool wasn running so i couldnt catch it ID :( And please all of the "you cannot ban bla bla" poster. Stop crying and dont write here Thanks.
  3. lemme86@googlemail.com


    Do you have a Server from a Hoster or a Root running where you have installed all for your own? You need to put more information in this. Normally you have to check your Rcon password, thats located in the be_server.cfg in the Folder dayzcfg/battle eye/ < hope that is right Then you can connect. When it wont work you can contact me with PM and we will have a check.
  4. lemme86@googlemail.com


    The Problem is everyone thinks he is a "big star killer" and when someone kills him with a as50 it must be a cheated thermo one and this must be a hacker.... Not everyone who kills you is a hacker. This teleporting shit, clearly is a hacker. But cherno on fire and all the people in the near death could be the Uhey when it crashes. We have crashed the Uhey in the woods and you could see the fire from everywhere. That wasnt a hack only a bug that the Uhey exploded on a tree while standing...after that the woods burnt for a long time. Not every night is too dark to shoot with the AS50 without thermal. You can search enemys with NightVision and prepare your shot without thermal AS50 without problems. Just a little bit of skill... Last night the moon was shining and that was perfect for long AS50 firering. Set your Gama high and you mustnt run with your flashlight around ;) When you think that is a hacker then write a PN to the Server Admins that they can check the Logs and send them to the Dayz staff. Thats the way to go to keep the Forum free from some shitty Postings which will not help anything. It is like the good old Counter Strike Days, this guy who is killing me must be a hacker :>
  5. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Hackers can find out where Tents and cars are

    You can write me a PM cause this way i have cleared another cool story with another One. Please use that because i dont want to have more Questions about "can you give me a car or can you spawn me somewhere, from players..." Gern auch in deutscher Sprache :>
  6. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Hackers can find out where Tents and cars are

    Yes i got the notice of [soD] Duping the hell out of Gear and have 4 SVD Camo and 6 AS 50 and lots of Ammunition for all of them. As i said ill check the other things tomorrow. For the moment you have posted Names of Players and Coordinates of a Camp. So i can say [soD] s are Duping Guys when you have them on your Server be careful. Think about it to not post names and change that so i can change your Clantag... so far...
  7. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Hackers can find out where Tents and cars are

    i will check that tomorrow.... but think about when you steal something it seems to be ok, but when another one steal it from you it seems not ok :> seems funny
  8. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Hackers can find out where Tents and cars are

    Some Stories are really exciting... At first i know one of the 3 Players you mentioned, but there where other Players online the whole evening. One of the 3 Players you mentioned has his own Camp some meters away from your Camp and you know you can hear cars crawling through the woods. But the biggest Question is how can you get 6 AS50 and more as you arent playing long on the Server? And that wasnt all they told me they have found in your Camp. And because saving tents isnt possible on the Server for the Moment you had to put that in the last Ours. There are no Heli Crashes on it for the Moment. With Luck one! But you have out of the Box 6 AS50 great...and 30 Nato Ammo Packs :> Stop whining and Dupe your Next Camp but not on our Server!
  9. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Banned from DE 300

    Du lebst in Deutschland und spielst auf einem deutschen Server, also dürfen wir auch die Sprache auch nutzen :) Battle Eye ist eingestellt auf MPING:60 das bedeutet wenn dein Ping höher ist als 60 dann wirst du gekickt. Und du darfst mir gern die Uhrzeit nennen wann du gekickt wurdest dann zeige ich dir gern die Logs das dies nicht der Fall war und du eventuell nur wegen des Pings gekickt wurdest.
  10. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Banned from DE 300

    yes now im a racist nice...it was an example. This was the Situation the last Days, that could have happened with anybody else from another country... For the moment the Server is new and i check it the whole day with Rcon Tool. And as i have given the example, that was the situation. Situation fixed. You dont understand. I will unban you no Problem but Mping 60 will stay. It has no effect on you. NOTHING you can join the whole day as you have done before, but BE kick you you try again you try again you try again ... understandable?
  11. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Banned from DE 300

    As you know when Rules are given, everyone can check if someone is admitting them... Everyone like a nobody can check you on the street if you have a drivers license... You find the failure? The Rules are set by Dayzmod Team and they can complain, blacklist etc. not you. You are not a Mod are anything. I will talk to a Mod and then we can check the Problem. I can state my Problem and he/she can tell me how we find a workaround. As you have nothing to do with the hole situation stop trolling around.
  12. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Banned from DE 300

    Take a Mountain Dew when you are pissed...from what actually? your thing You got it with the Ping, i marked the interesting thing. And i cannot understand why people who dont read carefull and have nothing to do with the actuall situation have to write complaints. In other Forums they call them Trolls... Sure i can kick when the Ping is going high, but the System is designed that someone can reconnect in 5 Seconds. Thats really cool. As i said, i have only set him and his friend in the Ban List because they were connecting and got kicked by battle eye over and over again. They saw that they have a higher Ping but further and further. This was my only possibility to stop that. The only one with a constructive Post has his own Server running and understands the Problem itself but is not in my mind with the Max60, thats ok. But nobody who hasnt something to say will change my mind in this. I am waiting for an statement from the DayzMod Team. For the moment the Server is fluently running with Max Ping 60 and all the Players are in that Range. There are Players dont like this, but there are also People who like it for a reason. Ex.: When i will setup Max Ping higher again my Server go to be flooded with russian Players and no one either understand something what they say or write and we will have most Players with high Pings. Now we have all Players with nice condition for everyone. There are enough Servers to choose i think. Waiting for a Mod! Edit. Was my fault, that was an example. I have created a nice condition for everyone on the Server. One Person, or two dont like this. Choose...
  13. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Banned from DE 300

    I think you havent read carefully enough. I set you in the banlist because you were reconnecting the whole time and all of your friends, too. I can unban you, then you got kicked by high Ping the whole time. To prevent that i have set you in the banlist. And it isnt "ONE" player. It is a horde of russian players. A Ping of 60 isnt a high requirement. Most Players on the Server have 10-30 and when there are several other with around 100 you will notice that. His 78 is the Ping in this moment. You will know that this will adjust.
  14. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Banned from DE 300

    I dont see a Problem. The Server Name shows the MPing:60 When you have dealt with Ping 150 then congrats. When we can provide a better Ping for the whole Server we do that. Actually i havent seen a Rule for that. When that Rule will come, ok then we have to change that. But i am fair enough to state it in the Server Name that everyone who reads the Server Name can decide to pick that Server or not. Other Players will also decide if they want to play with others when they have high Ping ot not.
  15. lemme86@googlemail.com

    Banned from DE 300

    You were banned for reconnecting the whole time. As you know reconnecting isnt good for Server Performance. You got kicked several times from Battleeye cause of too high Ping, but tried reconnecting the whole time. That is the cause of the ban. And with the Ban you tried reconnecting the whole time too. It is a Server located in Germany and no one wants Players that are lagging around.