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Everything posted by koze

  1. koze

    NPC Civilians

    wrong game
  2. koze

    my game ideas

    hahaha, after the desert eagle you know hes a cod fan. yeah.. you cant add weapons that arnt in arma 2.
  3. koze

    Zombie free maps

    No..? if you're new to the game, go find a map or gps. or go play some arma2.
  4. koze

    FN P90 added to the game

    I am sick of you idiots begging rocket to add your favourite weapons in DayZ, and i dont even think its in arma 2 so therefor cannot be used in DayZ. Unless you want to do all the designing and scripting for them, even then there is no need for it. Just because its in cod doesnt meen it should be in DayZ.
  5. koze

    Trail of Cans.

    Basically, when you eat or drink, you drop empty tin cans or exmpty soda cans depending on what you eat/drink. This could be very useful for tracking, and since items dont really cause much lag in the game it wouldent add to any lagg. This is a very simple and basic idea, I dont think it would be very hard for the Devs to do this, and it would add to the realism in the game and still be fun.
  6. koze

    Trail of Cans.

    Its not a huge advantage, and it could be used in the survivors advantage, such as location a nearby bandit and avoiding them. take note people only need to eat and drink like ever 15mins so it wouldent meen bandits can easily locate survivors.
  7. koze

    we'll call them ninja zeds or the drop bear zeds.

    yeah im up for the drop bears ahaha
  8. i hope they remove the bandit indicator, you pretty much explained it all.
  9. koze

    Your body should disappear after death

    this is not cod, nor battlefield. when someone dies their body stays there until server restart, or until someone hides it.
  10. koze

    World War weapons

    the weapons used in dayz must be in arma2, or arma 3 for the standalone
  11. koze

    Severe Weather

    atleast once a day on each server would be nice
  12. koze

    Trail of Cans.

    Well it could be handy out in the country side, say.. If you found a few tin cans somewhere near the airfield you know someone is close or has been there. I'm not saying its going to be very useful, but it's just something simple that we could have in the game.
  13. if you make it too realistic, it wont be fun. plus theres alot of work trying to make damage detectors and such. its fine how it is, i dont think the devs want to spent heaps of time making something that will upset players.
  14. koze

    Taped Magazines.

    If the Devs could be bothered, I dont see a reason why not to.
  15. this happens because your joining a server that has a different version from the last one you joined.
  16. koze

    Dead players turning to zombies

    the infection is OVER, so you cant get infected, technically. also if you killed someone and you want to take their shit they are still trying to attack you ahaha. Pretty much, if you can get turned into a zombie when you die, then you'd be a zombie in the first place. but the virus is gone, remember you came into chernarus in the aftermath.
  17. koze

    Weapon, Item and fix suggestions

    its the fact people are duping items, is why we're all encountering people with as-50's. Its really hard to find, i've only found it once for entire time i've played.
  18. then.. people will be shooting new spawned players. Because you dont know if hes got a gun or not so its worth a try.
  19. koze

    remove l85aws, add thread rating

    people with thermal goggles will be godlike and have xray eyes, that would be way overpowered. having thermal binocs is no different to having a l85aws.
  20. koze

    Feeding and weapon cleaning

    it would be a good idea, but you'd have to have a quick animation with a duration as the same time as it takes to bandage yourself.
  21. thats the last gun the devs would put in dayz.
  22. sure, if dayz was in isreal. but the map is in russia/ukrain. Though i wouldent mind them, also the weapons used in dayz must be in arma 2 itself, since it is a mod. and since arma 2 does not have these weapons, so they cannot be in dayz. maybe in the standalone, there are tones of new weapons in arma 3.