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Everything posted by koze

  1. koze

    Replacing M107 or AS50

    has been suggested before
  2. koze

    Suggestion: Ammo system

    First person to actually go into detail about it. Here are my beans.
  3. koze

    Scripted helicopter chrashes

    zombies cant fly helicopters.
  4. koze


    its rediculous how dumb you people are. NO DEFIBS.
  5. being able to smack a zombie with the stock on your weapon. Doubt they would bring it in, they'd have to do an animation for every weapon in the game. Taking away the whole concept of having a suppressor.
  6. koze

    How about a Kill Cam?

    this has been suggested several times. No.
  7. I am very confused whether or not I should set up tents because I'm scared the game will destroy my items, again. And I'm not sure if the latest patch has fixed this, and I'm not risking loosing all my gear. So do items save after server restarts? Thanks.
  8. I have a G110, I've done everything right, but what game do I select for "game executable"? Arma2 OA doesnt work.
  9. Trains will let people meet up with newly spawned friends. Yes, but Rocket is introducing a new system that you can start a party and you will all spawn togeather. (In the standalone ofcourse) Anyone who gets on it will be killed by mingers, think about it. If theres a place where lots of people go, there will be snipers ontop of hills waiting for people to get in, or someone with a satchel charge ready to blow up the whole thing. It would be a hell of a lot of work for the Devs, for something that would ruin the game.
  10. koze

    Other maps/Biomes

    I hope the dayz standalone map will be in a russian/ukrain environment. Then it would retain its authenticity, and also still keep a use of heat packs and fires at night to keep warm.
  11. koze

    Deployable bushes for camouflage

    why dont we just grow trees ahahaha
  12. koze


    Battlefield is that way --->
  13. koze

    DayZ Standalone Game Class Perks.

    The ghillie suit and camo clothing we have is fine. Also, they are the only ones in arma 2. any other outfits have to be designed manually. So since you like the idea of having more ghillie suits that look exactly the same and do the exact same thing, why dont you do it?
  14. Great idea! Then why dont we have batterys manditory for the following: CCO/Red Dot Range Finders Lasers Thermal & Night vision on Fn Fal & L85aws GPS Kobra attachment Watches Lights on cars & horns Holographic sights Sounds good?
  15. I like this idea but, maybe you could have ammo boxes with specific ammo such as 5.56 & 7.62. You could maybe make the ammo boxes carriable, and ofcourse only a limited ammount of ammo. And maybe an ability to carry ammo, but without the magazenes so you could use up what ammo you have with only like 2 mags or something. Or be able to carry 100 rounds or so without any clips at all, and then go back to camp/base to re-arm. +1
  16. koze

    Non-lethal weapons/rounds

    I stated that in my last comment.
  17. koze

    Non-lethal weapons/rounds

    man the fuck up? This is the forum, not a bloody primary school. And if you didnt see my last sentance, i mentioned it was MY opinion. I gave constructive criticism towards the topic, so what are you bitching about? And what do you know about my mother? She never loved me? How the hell does that relate to this topic? Just because my mother doesnt still breast feed me, like yours, doesnt meen she doesnt or didnt love me ahahaha.
  18. koze

    Non-lethal weapons/rounds

    Firstly, this idea has been posted several times. Secondly, weapons such as pistols, SMG's, and shotguns pretty much do fire rubber bullets. You sound like someone who gets killed alot for trusing people, then bitches about it on the forums. You say how this idea of yours (Well not really your idea.) will reduce deaths during PvP. I'm sure the rubber bullets wont save your life when someone creeps up behind you with a shotgun and blows your head to peices. I find it highly unlikely that something as stupid as this would be brought into DayZ. Non-Lethal rounds.. What a joke. Though, as someone here has mentioned, Tasers would be a fun aspect of the game. Maybe THAT would reduce PvP a little, but trying to creep up on someone is hard enough, you have more of a chance to get yourself killed than getting him with that taser. And confrontying survivors & bandits with tasers is suicide. In the end it's all up to rocket I guess, but this is my opinion ofcourse.
  19. koze

    DayZ Standalone Game Class Perks.

    You're an idiot, they are already in the game.
  20. koze

    DayZ Standalone Game Class Perks.

    No perks, no classes, no hats. You've got the wrong game, this mod is based of a military simumlator, you do not simply carry more things in your backpack because you have a perk for it. Theres no point of wearing hats, the whole point of surviving is not being seen, by zombies or bandits. So yeah great idea lets all run around with little gay bunny rabbit hats. I don't say this alot but, GO BACK TO COD.
  21. koze

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    what if they buy arma 2 again?
  22. koze

    Land Mines?

    bear traps is enough, i guess you could bring them into the game. but people would complain and it would be removed.
  23. This link will show you everything you want to know about humanity. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Humanity
  24. When you kill someone, your humanity is deduced by the number of points of their humanity, so if you kill someone with a humanity on a minus scale, then it should add to yours.