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Everything posted by koze

  1. koze

    Bullet Proof West

    Bullet proof vest? No. Body armour? Yes.
  2. koze

    Make zombies Randomly Kill in 1 Hit

    its bad enough zombies take like 800-1000 blood away from me, randomly break my legs and knock me out. Even make me start bleeding because a zombie scraped me with its fingernails. No, this is a horrible idea. I do agree that zombies should do more damage, but not with the current "slap" animation. I say slap animation because thats what it looks like, it wouldent hurt anyone in real life. They should bite or do something more nasty, longer fingernail perhaps?
  3. koze

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    Does anyone know on Lingor island far west of calamar theres a marijuana plantation with 50 plants. I'd like to be able to smoke that. removes pain sounds are a little distorted suddern bursts of laughing
  4. koze

    New Logout System

    This is already in the game. When you leave there game your body stays there for a certain amount of time (30 seconds i think) In that time you cant be hit by zombies but you can be shot.
  5. Someone with an as50 + l85a2 aws? First of all anyone with an as50 is always prepaired to use it. And if someone saw you with it and they could have thought YOU were a bandit. In real life people dont suddernly loose health or have our fitness lowered simply because they have killed someone. This is DayZ it is based of a millitary simulator, therefor its meant to be very realistic. So people dont magically get punished because they killed you and took all your gear.
  6. koze

    More aircraft!

    The reason whys theres no aircrafts exept helicopters is because theres only a few locations where you can land them. So hiding them would be impossible. Use your head.
  7. koze

    realistic health

    No, they generate red blood cells. Ever heard of bone marrow?
  8. Recently the Lee enfield was heavily nerfed, from 12500 damage to 6722. Now both the M14 & Fn Fal fire a 7.62x51mm round, and the Lee Enfield fires a .303. So why the f*ck can these two assault rifles do more damage than a weapon that has a bigger bullet? Oh and don't forget its bolt action so its 10-30% more powerful than a semi-automatic rifle. I'm not saying bring back the Lee Enfield to a 1 hit kill, but increase it to 9-10k. Or atleast bring it back to 8k, It still is only a 2 hit kill and 1 to the head, incase you guys forgot the Lee Enfield is basically a Sniper Rifle, but without the scope. If anyone was wondering where I found the information: Heres the weapon stats of the nerfed weapons, before and after. http://dayzdb.com/ne...es-in-arma2-162 Heres the damage of all the weapons in DayZ. http://dayzdb.com/database/weapon-comparison
  9. koze


    you've arrived at cherno or lingor AFTER the infection.
  10. koze

    The HORDE

    This has been posted.. SO MANY TIMES. Learn to use the search bar for fucks sake.
  11. koze

    Paris Catacombs Idea

    I like it, but theres no reason why someone would go inside there if they knew they would get lost or die or some shit. Something like a dark haunted forrest would be better becaues people know that helicopter crash sites spawn more often in these kinds of places, and would have to risk going through all the scary shit to find a helicopter crash site.
  12. Its really simple. If you leave your server and join another one, you cannot join the first server for 5 minutes. You may join another server ofcouse, but you still have to wait 5 mins before joining your previous again. Ofcourse you can leave your server, and rejoin it again without having to wait 5 minutes at all. In case you didnt know, ghosting is when you spot someone or someone spots you, and you leave the server. Then you join another server and run to their location or a vantage point. Once you've reached the location you leave the server and join the first one again and kill them.
  13. From what I've been told, if you go prone near or under the tree roots, when you stand up your character collides with them and you die. Maybe you should avoid doing that? Also this should be a bug report, not a suggestion. Anyway, hope I helped.
  14. koze

    20 dayz ideas

  15. koze

    20 dayz ideas

    well arnt you a hero?
  16. No, but instead you need a toolbox to place one down. Just like you need an entrenching tool to place down sandbags.
  17. koze

    Starting character classes?

    Give people a vehicle for spawning? Because that wont ruin the whole fucking game.
  18. 2 upgrades per weapon? well.. you can have as many damn attachments as your gun can hold. So if i have a scope for an assault rifle, and a suppressor. I cant put a grip or flashlight on it even though theres room?! Also this has been posted like.. 500 times.
  19. koze

    How to make a Safehouse... Safe

    I see where you're coming from, if there was a zombie appocalypse I'd be hiding in a house. But in DayZ you do not sit around all day, you scavange around and always keep on the move. Also, tents are used as storage, not protection. You keep them hidden, not in the middle of a town.
  20. koze

    What the shit people...

    You're wasting your time. These people will still continue backstab and kill unarmed players for the hell of it.
  21. koze

    Idea for ending Sniper abuse

    If you know how to use a sniper rifle in Arma2/DayZ then so be it. People shouldent have to find a book on how to do something they already know. There is basic training for a reason. I see where you're coming from, but sniper rifles do take knowledge and a bit of skill to use. Not to mention unless you have a range finder you'll have to use mill dot estimations. And not everyone knows how to do that. My point is, the reason why people are getting sniped all the time is because of the number of hackers. From what I've been told, around 60% of the DayZ community are hackers or get their equipment from them. They do not teleport to everyone and kill them, but what they do is join a server with a bad battleeye protection, and spawn weapons for themselves, and others. Also half these hackers are dumbfucks themselves, they dont know how to play or use a weapon properly, quite often I'll find dead bodys with rare millitary weapons. Or kill some idiot running around in the open thats fully geared. Last night I found 4 dead bodys, (one of which was still standing up) that had L85A2 AWS'. Not so long ago I killed a bunch of fully geared noobs at kamyshovo. Who the hell runs around at spawn points thats got a L85A2 AWS? What I'm trying to get to is that the problem is not the sniper rifle, and how overpowered it is. It is the number of people with them. And not for a moment am I complaining about the spawns, after playing for a couple months I have only found 2 AS50's at helicopter crash sites, otherwise I would have found atleast 20 off dead bodys and campingtents.
  22. koze

    How to make a Safehouse... Safe

    This isnt Garry's Mod Roleplay. If you wana hide your shit, you do it where no one will find it. Because once someone finds your "safe house" they'll tell their friends, or just keep coming back until they break into it. Or break in when you're offline or not around, you can't just sit there all day trying to protect it.
  23. koze

    Non Leathal Rounds?

    Because you'd have rubber bullets/non lethal rounds in a zombie appocalypse?
  24. koze

    New melee weapon

    I dont think they'd do it, theres more important things to add to dayz.
  25. I have already posted this once, but it did not get as much attention as I think it deserved. And considering the amount of shit thats current on the forums of people bitching about thermal scopes and sniper rifles I thought this was important, so here it is, again. I have also edited a few bits of it aswel, so hopefully I dont get pinged for double posting :P Please take your time to read ALL of this before you comment: No special infected, this is not Left4Dead, and so on. DayZ is a zombie game yet the only time you'll ever be scared shitless is when you're getting shot at. Zombies are now only a nuisance. Now my idea includes "special" infected. No, not like the ones in Left4Dead, but just something simple, not overpowered, not playable, and not anything outside the concept of DayZ. And still keeping DayZ authentic. So, first the new DayZ map SHOULD be in Russia or the Ukrain, same region as Chernarus. No, I'm not russian but if the DayZ standalone map is in Russia it just keeps the authenticity in DayZ. Also, a map like Chernarus or something similar suits DayZ perfectly, for instance: It's city's arnt too large that it turns into a massive murder fest, and be able to find a gun anwhere. Or atleast a larger, much larger version of Chernarus, which I think Rocket and the team are already working on. Think about it, if your city has a shopping mall then chances are it will be in an industrial area i.e major city. DayZ is a game where it is more fitted to being out into the country, therefor making vehicles more useful and valuable. And ofcourse a large city wont be near any forests or out in the country. So you can hide any vehicles you've found in thick forests. Now onto the Horror/Special infected. There is nothing scary about the current DayZ map (Chernarus) simply because that map was designed for arma2, a war zone, not a zombie apocalypse. So my idea is that we could have a few parts of the map where there are grave yards or haunted locations. Now a few people would be thinking, how about green mountain? Yeah well theres nothing dramatic about it, except the fact it reads co-ordinates of deer stands. But if you had a medium-large thick, dark, foggy, forrest, and in the middle of it is a grave yard or some shit scary location then it would be scary as fuck to go in there. Now comes in the "special" infected. Once you enter the dark forrest, there is a rare chance you could encounter some sort of super kind of zombie. (With red eyes that glow in the dark maybe?) They could maybe have a little bit more heath than regurlars, not too much. No special attacks, such as vomiting on you from behind, or strangling you with their massive tongue from 50 meters away. But what features it could have is to be able to stalk you, it hides behind trees or cover as it follows you. And when you stop to eat or something it strikes. My other idea is that when it detects you, it screams, alerts every zombie in your location. Though, when you aggro a zombie, every zombie within 30-50 meters is also trying to rip your face off. But this would happen on a much larger scale. Ofcourse it's all up to the Devs, and what you, the community wants. Another idea is.. Hospitals! Some of the most scariest games are usually set in hospitals. DayZ should have much larger hospitals, making finding supplies a little harder, and more scary. Things to consider: Blood trails, zombie patients. Instead of just shooting a few panes of glass, or throwing bottles at them and then just grabbing a few supplies then leaving. You should have to check rooms for blood bags and other medical supplies. (found in draws & cupboards.) Rocket mentioned in a Rezzed session of a zombie life cycle, which is a zombie that is kind of human like, but gradually turns into a zombie. I was thinking that maybe it could be linked with the special infected, after the zombie has reached its end of the cycle it could turn into the "special" infected. Ofcourse you wont be able to see that many special inftected in the game, but it adds a twist to how they got there and what they will eventually all turn into. http://www.google.co...,r:10,s:0,i:104 Another idea, if these special inftected were introduced into DayZ, they would only spawn in scary locations e.i haunted castle, graveyard or dark misty/foggy woods. But we already have a system that records how many zombie kills, murders, and bandit kills on our debug moniter. If this special infected was introduced into DayZ it could also be recorded on the debug moniter, e.i Demon kills: 3. Ofcourse they wouldent be called demons but you get the point. Conclusion: Lastly, a few of you might be thinking, whats the point of having foggy, scary/haunted areas? Inside those haunted areas has a more likely chance of finding a helicopter crash site. But honestly wouldent you rather have a game where you have to crawl through dark, foggy woods, hiding from zombies with red glowing eyes. People would have to go through this shit everytime they want to find high grade weapons. Lets face it, people can just find a high powered rifle from a helicopter crash site after 5minutes of spawning. (Thats actually happened to me.) Now you have to take risks to find your beloved AS50, now you have to work for it, and search in scary, dangerous areas. Ofcouse not all helicopter crash sites will spawn in these areas, but you a more of a chance of finding one there than on a farm. And this is a better alternative to doing what everyone else suggests, which is to heavily reduce the spawn chance of sniper rifles or remove them completely. Please comment, and let me know what you think :D