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Everything posted by koze
Boomerang Sniper Detection System?
koze replied to skippythrmoontock's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
because we're all going to be running around with one when the world ends -
Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0
koze replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Why the fuck does everyone want electricity? As soon as some one sees a city/town full of light, it's making it very obvious that someone is there. And then it'll turn into a massive PvP fest. Also, since half the people that host a DayZ server are scarred of the dark only half the servers even have night time.. -
I don't think we're all going to be running around in suits when the world ends. I do agree that zombies should deal more damage, but take less damage to kill them. Also in some places theres way too many of them, they should have a way, way lower spawn rate. Then if rocket decides to make them deal more damage it would be balanced out more. Should the debug monitor be removed? Well I guess that's debatable, I guess for some players the only reason they play DayZ is so they can show off how many murders they have. But if you remove that, then it might divert players from unessisary killings of bambies and players who arnt a potential threat.
No, because there can be situations where there are a group of players, and one of them decides to take one of them out for some reason. If that player that was killed knows how he died, and by what weapon then that would ruin it for the first guy.
No it's called DayZ because it is short for: Day Of the Zombies. Or Day Zero. ( I'm sure its the first one)
Yes I agree but the reason I thought of it was that people can look to see who's a friendly and who to avoid. I am not all for this though, there is a part of me which thinks this might ruin the game, that's why I'd like to hear everyone else's opinion. I didn't think that something as small as this would ruin the game, but it does destroy the reality of DayZ.
This is a simple thread, instead of having indicators that are green when you are full of water or food, and red/flashing when you are starving or really need water, there should be a bar. As it runs out the bar inside the box/rectangle gets shorter and when it reaches the end you will start loosing blood. Why have this? Well hopefully in the standalone there are different types of food and drink, chips, chocolate bars, energy drinks perhaps? Well anyway the point is if they are added, not all of them are going to completely refill your appetite or quench your thirst. So depending on the meal or beverage it should only increase the bar to what it would in real life. So a bag of chips would only add a little bit to your hunger bar, and a can of Pepsi won't completely quench your thirst. What else would change? If people loot super markets and residential buildings they'll only take higher value food that will be more useful, and leave or drop behind low value foods or drinks over cans of beans or bottles of water. Thus, making survival harder and a little bit more interesting.
Getting banned because of carrying a hacked in weapon has nothing to do with the mod. Piss off you warz fanboy
And I think having fog and other weather conditions that make long range sniping a little harder is a better solution than removing the rifles completely. Not only that, it would also make the game more interesting. Do you get what I'm trying to say? Have you come to a realisation yet? read the fucking thread title. It states why sniper rifles don't need a nerf. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but you seriously need to have a really good read again on my thread. You keep mentioning things like me complaining about sniper rifles them selves, for the last time.. I'm trying to find a better solution rather "lets just completely remove the as50".
I do think that it is kind of meta gaming to show every players bandit/survivor status but in the end it's up to the Devs to make the decision whether to add that or not.
I don't believe sniper rifles need a nerf, but I thought since theres such a large number of people complaining about it that Rocket would do something like remove 1 hit kills to the body. I wrote this in the first paragraph to explain that am I in no way complaining about the damage. You might want to consider re-reading my thread. Also, like I said I havent played Namaslk yet, but I have seen footage. Footage of snow on the top of a hill. Now that map is 'permanently in winter'. The snow never melts, and in no way does the map it self actually change. So what I'm suggesting is that if Chernarus plus should be like that, but rarely have sunshine.
I can't really see a bad side to this, except when you join, you can just look at the list of players in the game, and determine if there's too many and you want to bitch out. And, sometimes you're trying to join the same server as your friend, there's a few servers with a similar name, and you can hover your mouse of the number of players and it shows you who is currently in it.
Decrease number of psychopaths with Karma system
koze replied to LansEllion's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I got a better idea, and I wrote it here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103382-bandit-hunting-and-self-defence/ -
Sniper Rifles, Scopes and the Metagame. A Suggestion to change Firefight dynamics.
koze replied to Luftwaffle (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'd just like to say that removing all/most scopes in the game is a horrible idea. Thus said I've just thought of a better way to solve this issue, I even wrote a thread about it so more people can see it. You can read it here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103385-how-to-reduce-the-impact-of-sniper-rifles/ -
There should be a bayonet for Lee Enfield!
koze replied to branimir1999's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
*Suppressor* -
For a country in Russia, it needs more mountains. I agree.
Remove peripheral dots - Enforce server difficulty settings
koze replied to Bo0G's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I agree, it should be removed, server owners should not have a choice in this say. These 'dots' can be used to scan out vehicles and what direction they may be hidden in a thick forest. You may not know it yet but people do use this method to find camps and such. I honestly don't believe this belongs in DayZ. -
DayZ standalone suggestion: Seasonal loot balancing. "Hunger" season, "Cease fire" season, "Zombie infestation" season etc.
koze replied to DZR_Mikhail's topic in Suggestions
Since it's based in Russia I think the climate should be permanently in winter. But something that would suit this better would to make the seasons change weekly instead of monthly. -
Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)
koze replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Question, if someone combat logs, and they die. Does their body remain there so that it is loot-able or does it disappear? You guys should add a message to inform players of the new combat logging, otherwise it could be kind of abused, say if someone goes to log off and you fire a shot near them just before and they die. -
Changes regarding every topic! (tents, vehicles, loot/player-spawn, zombies, weapons, nighttime...)
koze replied to fuenke's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Maybe something like remove the M107 or AS50 would be a better statement, because DayZ is based off Arma 2 which is a millitary simulator. Which means that almost everything in the game is meant to be realistic. In case you didn't know, if you were to be shot in the upper leg with a .50 cal bullet the impact would shatter your bone (even if the bullet didn't hit it), blow a massive hole in your leg or blow it off completely depending on the ammunition. Now you're probobly thinking that getting shot in the leg wouldent kill you, well it would. Unless you have immediate medical treatment, otherwise you'd die of blood loss. Now what I was getting to is that if you were to be shot anywhere in the upper body this would happen in a much larger scale, since there are more major organs and bones there, so you'd die instantly. In my opinion, and I'm sure alot of people would agree that weapons don't do enough damage. Weapons such as sub machine guns, shotguns, pistols and some assult rifles were heavily nerfed a while ago. An mp5a5 for example, it used to do 1389 damage, now it's 889. It doesn't seem like a huge difference, but it now takes 14 shots to kill someone at point blank range (body shots only) and I'm not sure if it's the terrible iron sights on the pp-19 or if its just me but I swear at a long distance it takes two headshots to kill a zombie. Anyway back on the .50 Cals, the only way you could stop guns from 1 hit kills is if you completely remove the high powered rifles. But DayZ is set in an envoronment where there are millitary camps everywhere, and in a zombie appocolypse you'll never know what you'll stumble uppon if you're looting a millitary barracks or scavaging a crashed helicopter. Theres always a possibility that you can find a .50 Cal in some barracks, though it just has to be super rare in the game. I like your ideas, nice effort. :beans: -
I asked someone this once, and apperently its because all their blood is gone/dried out (why you see blood all over their face and body according to zombie 'myths') but I do think they should drop after you shoot them.
I hounestly don't see the point, not saying theres a bad side to it. Exept the fact it would attract EVERYONE in the server and turn it into a battlefield. But I don't see the need for this in the standalone. What would building a generator and lighting up a city achieve?
Huge shopping mall with underground parking
koze replied to markusfix's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Firstly, a huge shopping mall would usually be found in a city area? DayZ is set in a country environment with few major cities a lots of small towns spread out. Having a huge shopping mall would require a massive city, otherwise it would look, well fucking stupid hounestly. And suppose they do add a massive city, about 4 times bigger than cherno, then maybe that would suit it. But then it would just be a massive pvp area, also shopping malls in your oppinion should have "good loot", woulden't that mean that everyone in the city would be attracted to it? Not to mention clans congregating there and camping the whole mall. My point is, having a huge shopping mall would be "an all out battlefield". Hounestly I think general stores are enough for DayZ, enough people are attracted to them as is. Also, you mentioned that they should have good loot, please define good loot. I'm guessing you maybe mean weapons? Because finding food is easy, finding a firearm is the hard one. And shopping malls are the wrong place to find them. -
Perma-identity. Nickname is permanent. Nickname as face. Cover face - conceal nickname.
koze replied to DZR_Mikhail's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I don't like the idea that you can see someone's name in game (name plates). Even at a cirtain distance, I think it is still better to hide it otherwise things such as ghillie suits would be useless. You pretty much scan the area with your crosshairs and someone thats perfectly hidden in tall grass is now exposed. Another reason is, some people may not want to show everyone their name. I do agree with the rest of your ideas. Having permanent names/nick names would also help tracking hackers, and identifying friendlys and foes. EDIT: "this feature will put streamers in danger" I do like this, but I think the ability to see whos in a server should be debated about. -
Even I made a post about this a while ago, learn to use the search bar