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Everything posted by koze

  1. koze

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    First off, I think you know nothing about guns at all, to zero in a rifle you have to estmate the distance and set the zeroing to the distance from you to the target, also the reason why there is zeroing, is because of bullet drop, so i dont know why you listed that as a factor to take note of, because it is clearly already in the game. As for bullet spin, it is called rifling, now rifling is the barrel which has grooves in it which when the bullet is fired, it spins the bullet, this is called rifling. Rifling, keeps the bullet steady and accurate. Every single weapon in the world (excluding muskets and cannons) have rifling. So whats your point on rifling in DayZ?? It's already in the game. One thing I do agree on is wind, but ofcourse wind changes directions and then everyone would have to change alot of shit around, and the Devs of DayZ cannot do this, only BIS can. So you should probobally make a forum post over there instead of here becaues your wasting your time. And lastly, have you actually shot people with a sniper rifle yet? Because it's not as easy as you think, all that work using your mildots trying to estimate the range, or have you just been killed over and over again and complaining on the forums because you think they're OP?
  2. When someone disconnects into the lobby, their name pops up on your screen (like it does when someone disconnects from the game.) and people can record firefights and post it on the forums then the moderators can decide if they Alt+F4'd to avoid death. There is a factor of meta gaming though, so maybe it could be made so that you have to be in range say maybe a KM or so? When someone leaves a server and joins another, he cannot join the first server he was in for a small period of time. This is to prevent server teleporting, which is when you see someone in the distance, you leave the game, you join another server, and abort somewhere behind or close to where you think that person was, join the first server again and kill them. I though of some other ideas such as if you abort while bleeding you die on next rejoin, but I think thats maybe a bit harsh. And also with the number of hackers at the moment teleporting whole servers into one destination I dont think its necessary. What do you think? EDIT: If someone leaves a server, he can rejoin it. But he leaves it, joins another one, he cant join the first one for a period of time.
  3. koze

    Hardcore Character Classes

    Collingwood supporter: Cannot eat meat due to lack of teeth.
  4. koze

    Please add Fatigue / Stamina

    In arma 3 they have fatigue, and it increases when you have more things in your backpack. So there you go, it will be fixed in the standalone.
  5. koze

    Stabbing people with the hunting knife

    why is everyone going nuts over the hunting knife? the hatchet is good enough.
  6. koze

    A Deck of Cards is what we all need

    I dont see a reason why not
  7. Your comment doesnt make sence, but what I think your trying to say is search the forums before you post a thread incase someone has already posted it? Yes I did, but none of them had these two ideas, but only a bunch of people bitching about how they need to be fixed. I actually thought of something that they could use to stop people from abusing Alt+F4. Either way, go get yourself a dictionary.
  8. did you even read anything? I have nothing against Alt+F4ing, read it again.
  9. koze

    Death needs penalties. Suggestions welcome

    when you die, you loose everything you have on you. good enough?
  10. koze

    Character Traits not Classes

    No i dont think you have to have a specific trait just to do something simple in a game e.g flying an aircraft. As for the rest, i dont mind but i dont think we need that stuff in dayz
  11. koze

    Classes for your player.

    This has been posted a million times, read the thread which says "Read before posting". Stop trying to turn this game into Battlefield or Cod, there is no class system in this game, everyone is a survivor
  12. koze

    For a better pvp

    Yes, and if they are survivors then why are they crashing everywhere? Its hard to reason with an idiot.
  13. koze

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    yeah great idea, how are you going to land it? and then hide it? no.
  14. koze

    For a better pvp

    no that wouldent work because the reason why they are "crash sites" is because of the infection. You are a survivor that has arrived AFTER the infection, so you think we should have zombies flying helicopters?
  15. yeah u want your famas, then everyone els will be like i want a steyr aug and all theif favorite guns!
  16. koze

    Wear on items/Weapon addons

    every time i think of an idea someone posts it before me hahahaha.
  17. koze

    noise correction.

    I agree, when you fire your weapons the game should leave footprints of where you fired your weapons, so if i fired my lee enfield in cherno zombies would be running to where i fired it and not where my current location is, which could be ages away from where i fired it.
  18. koze


    this is not battlefield 3 stop trying to make it like it, when you put a bullet in someone's head they cant get back up. Or unless u could use them for unconcious patients.. but bringing people back to life.. NO.
  19. koze

    Friendly mode

    no.. have you played this game yet? taking pvp away would take the whole game away.
  20. koze

    Base Defenses ( Document included )

    yeah i think your maybe asking a bit much for a zombie apocolypse, maybe sandbag bunkers and some kind of camoflage for them, but.. Why have generators? When you have a camp in game the whole idea is to keep it hidden, and you want guard towers and lights? This, ruins the whole concept of DayZ, though base wars isnt such a bad idea, but on this scale, no one will ever leave their bases for supplys or anything. Turrets? Yeah I think thats ok, but make it so you have to find a LMG or something first then you can mount it on the sandbags. I think your trying to turn Dayz into a base wars kind of game, I myself dont mind it, but not like this. If you've ever had a camp in Dayz which im guessing you have, the first thing you want to do is keep it hidden, and if you manage to do that then you wont need mounted machine guns. As for your "scenario of use".. again, why would you force people to make a camp in the devils castle? See what i meen about keeping camps hidden? Some of your ideas are rediculous, unmanned turrets and such? No.. This game is meant to be realistic, how is someone going to manage to find a piece of top secret millitary equipment during a zombie apocolypse? And even so, how are they going to program it? Think realistically, if your whole team is offline, then.. no one is guarding the base, and thats that. You must have been raided white a few times to come up with the idea of NPC's deffending the base while your gone. EDIT: This is not Call of Duty, you cannot simply find an auto turret, let alone program it and such.
  21. koze

    My silly idea..

    i like the idea, when you use the surrender animation, you drop your weapon.
  22. if u make it too realistic, it wont be fun.
  23. koze

    Idea for Stand Alone DayZ

    this is not cod or battlefield, no...