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bonsie123 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by bonsie123 (DayZ)

  1. Hello there fellow survivor. I'am bonsie123 and i hunt bandits. Right now me and my friend budda13122 work together. I have hate'd bandits since i started the game and now i hunt them. The other day when we went to cherno. We found two bandits camping in the firestation. They wer Ryan & Ryan(2). Budda went in first and they shot the crap out of him. But they didnt seem to notice me go in and we blasted them. Affter geting what gear we could we head'd out. If you are a friendly survivor and need help or want to help us contact me on skype or steam. For your safety and ours please. When you get to where we are to meet if you get there first tell us. I will warn you now budda is very jumpy and will not even blink before he shoots if he thinks your a threat. But if you join us don't expect to just sit around we are very active and play almoast every day. When we get more people we will start making camps around the map for resupply and support. If you want to donate to our cause but not join we can setup meetings. If you give us supplys to help our group you can call us in for support if need'd. Skype: bonsie123 Steam: bonsie123 in game: bonsie123 Remember survivors we survive together! [sORRY BUT OUR GROUP IS NOW FULL]
  2. bonsie123 (DayZ)

    Bandit hunting group looking for good people

    It's fine that you are new i'll be glad to help you. just add me on steam or skype and we'll try to find you
  3. bonsie123 (DayZ)

    Looking for some guy's to join our group.

    ill join you guys if you'l have me or if you don't already have 20 people thanks to this post. Name on every thing [bonsie123]. Hope you'l have me i'm tired of runing alone or runing into nothing but bandits