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Posts posted by Robert1225

  1. Hi everyone I have been playing dayz for over a year now and I have been on a number of different servers but find myself hopping around all the time between servers, ive been on the lookout for a good decent server to make my new home on for the long run. Im looking for a server with some features im willing to play on epoch or vanilla dayz doesen't matter, please post your servers or your home servers so i can hopefully play dayz properly again :P

  2. Hey all, im an experienced DayZ lone wolf player and now im looking for a partner to find vehicles make a camp with etc, i can play on day or night servers doesent matter to me.

    Some info:I live in Canada, GMT-6, im 16, ive played dayz since mid-may, current location ingame is outside Elektro.

    Current Loadout:Full toolkit, Nightvision, Rangefinder, Coyote Backpack, MK.48, PDW, ghillie suit, I am willing to giveaway whatever you need.

    I am looking for someone around my age, it doesent matter to me if you started playing dayz yesterday and are a complete noob i will help you out :)

    If anybody is interested add me on skype



  3. Hey guys im 16, and im looking for a Skype partner im fairly new to the game ive had it since the end of June but i can never manage to survive for long, so if anybody is interested in being my partner add me on Skype: robert.currie.legit
