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Everything posted by veteranninja

  1. veteranninja

    WInchester Ammo RARE?

    Anybody can tell me where can I find ammo for the winchester? like right now its more rare than a m4 lol can't find anywhere :(
  2. veteranninja


    So this is just a little pvp montage, hope you will like it!! I Die yesterday by a glitch, I hhad my full ghillie suit :( Anyway love u guys! :D
  3. veteranninja


    So here we go, I dont use glitch in this game!! For sure I had some fun with them but f**k glitchers! Devs fix that please.. I cant kill all the glitchers :P
  4. veteranninja


    Ils l'ont bien exploité le glitch simplement en pénétrant dans la piece, qui me dit que ces personnes la lors d'un gunfight, ils iront se cacher dans cette pieces? Que tu-as une arme ou non et que tu utilise un glitch, tu l'exploite. J'ai agis comme un bandit, pour les skills, t'aurais voulu que je 1tap tout le monde en faisant un 360? Anyway check out my others video for more ''skill'' :D
  5. veteranninja

    NEW BOW!

    Can't wait for the new bow!!! Looks awesome!! BOW>GUNS :D
  6. veteranninja

    anybody can tell me how did he kill me?!

    I was wondering how did I die!? Like how did he hit me?! I need some answer lol
  7. veteranninja

    anybody can tell me how did he kill me?!

    Desync i guess lol.. That was a easy kill for me :(
  8. About the intro, I like the old one :P keep in mind I will not unsubscribe if you put the new one hahaha :P Nice shot btw!
  9. veteranninja

    anybody can tell me how did he kill me?!

    that was a easy kill for me :(
  10. This is my second adventure, now In cherno... Not everyone is friendly at Cherno... I hope you will like it, this is my objective, if you have any tips, tell me :) I'm open to any suggestion!
  11. ps: I killed the other guy behind the tree!
  12. This is my little adventure in the NORTH!! I hope you will enjoy!! Next episode will be in Cherno!!
  13. veteranninja

    Trouble in the NORTH! -Dayz Standalone- (2:20)

    Ps: My friend was glitch lol
  14. veteranninja

    A very close call...2 seconds more and it would be bad :)

    lucky as hell! xD nice shooting :P
  15. veteranninja

    Running low on ammo in Electro (video)

    Totally love the intro but its a little bit too long, it just my opinion :P great video!
  16. veteranninja

    Battleye Failed to install....

    I got this f**king problem... I was able to play 2days ago and booom I cant now... Everytime I open dayz it say battleye Failed to install... PLEASE HELP! PEOPLE NEED ME!
  17. veteranninja

    Battleye Failed to install....

    I just restart my pc and boom it worked lool
  18. veteranninja

    Good private server?

    Anyone have a good private server where people go north and dont stay on the coast...
  19. veteranninja

    Recurve bow

    Anybody have any nice information about the recurve bow!?!
  20. veteranninja

    I Wasn't Raised Right and Got an SVD

    Really nice video! I Sub :D!!
  21. veteranninja

    Status Report - 18 Aug 2015

    Nice!! Anybody know when they will add the new Recurve bow!?!?!
  22. veteranninja


    This is how we have fun in cherno with bambies!
  23. veteranninja

    FAKING DEATH (traps)! WORKING! :D (52sec)

    My friend was supposed to shoot him but he miss... enjoy :D
  24. veteranninja

    FAKING DEATH (traps)! WORKING! :D (52sec)

    Haha thanks :D