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Big Skrimpin'

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About Big Skrimpin'

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Big Skrimpin'

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Haha, really? You're in a bandit group. You kill people all the time. You have no maturity or morals. I'm glad this was posted - enjoy losing all your gear you turd. Just quit DayZ. It's a silly video game. Calm down you raging nerds. This thread makes me happy.
  2. Big Skrimpin'

    Voice Trolling 2: Fake Helicopter Fun!

    Players who load up in helicopters then cruise the coast slaughtering people who can't fight back...nah...if they don't fight fair, then neither will I.
  3. Big Skrimpin'

    Voice Trolling 2: Fake Helicopter Fun!

    Hatchets are rare bro. This is how it works if anyone else wants to try:
  4. I decided to make another after many people asked me to :) I wouldn't even call these people gullible, because I tested the effects with a friend and they're...pretty damned believable when you're the victim.
  5. Big Skrimpin'

    [VIDEO] Secret Bodies in Stary (Easter egg?)

    Hah. That would be neat though if we had more ways than tents and barbed wire to affect the world.
  6. Big Skrimpin'

    [VIDEO] Secret Bodies in Stary (Easter egg?)

    I don't think I'd mind that. Better than spawning everyone mid-air.
  7. Big Skrimpin'

    [VIDEO] Secret Bodies in Stary (Easter egg?)

    Wait, hackers will actually come in to....change a tree model to one with a hanging body that's barely noticeable? They must be getting bored :(
  8. At least they're new to me...let me know if you've seen more anywhere else in the map!
  9. Big Skrimpin'

    Day Z Videos

    I had no idea this thread existed, seems easier than making new topics.
  10. Big Skrimpin'

    [VIDEO] BeanQuest

    You gotta watch the original Brodyquest, man. YouTube that shit.
  11. Big Skrimpin'

    [VIDEO] BeanQuest

    I was inspired by a similar Brodyqest DayZ video. Quick project. Watch your beans.
  12. Big Skrimpin'

    [VIDEO] Perfect NVG Timing...

    Didn't get bandit kills, but I'm guessing they were just fresh respawns who just re-stocked at their clans Northern base.
  13. Big Skrimpin'

    [VIDEO guide] Use Stereo Mix to Play Sounds/Music in-game

    .....why didn't I think of that? Good lord that's so much easier. At least, if you don't mind not being able to use your real mic while playing sounds...but I'm used to that by now. Thanks for the tip.
  14. Server sucks. It's got 2/50 people and a super-low ping for me (62ms) but when I join, I get kicked a minute later. Admin is an exploiting turd.