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About paladin1128

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. paladin1128

    Iso private server with day/night cycle

    Glad to help. I saw you try to log in. The admin is away for the weekend, i didn't realize, if you send in the email however, mention me if you like, and he should be back to whitelist you Monday I think. He went snowmobiling I believe. It is a good server, good community. extra buildings, like more barracks at all the airfields, fire station at zeleno, etc. Also has some extra weapons that spawn, and lots of vehicles.
  2. paladin1128

    Iso private server with day/night cycle

    Your Mom's Private Hive Port 2312 It is white listed, when you try to log in, it will give you an email to request white listing.
  3. paladin1128

    Haha thats ok, i got over it

    Dude, this is a joke post right? Just gear back up. That is most of the fun in the game anyway. Don't you find it gets a touch boring after you have all the high end items?
  4. I liked it. Interesting music also.
  5. paladin1128

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Ander, can you tell us - Most commonly used weapon to kill players Most commonly used weapon to kill zombies Furthest recorded player kill shot and what weapon it was taken with Most commonly used back pack Thanks
  6. paladin1128


    what island? On the Chernarus map?
  7. paladin1128

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    Downloading them now. Dayz commander is an amazing tool.
  8. Your comedy, they do not get
  9. paladin1128

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Asked TMW Bludgeoned for a blood bag at NWAF and he had me patched up and on my way in less than 5 minutes. Thanks for the quick assist.
  10. paladin1128

    Trading away M9SD, nvgs, and a L85A2

    M9SD and NVG's? How many mags with M9SD?
  11. paladin1128

    Trading away M9SD, nvgs, and a L85A2

    AS50 with two mags?
  12. paladin1128

    Making the woods scarier.

    I think there are enough trolls in the woods already
  13. paladin1128

    Making the woods scarier.

    Spawn simulates the noise of the shot attracting them. Why wouldn't there be any zombies in the woods or on Sniper Hill?
  14. paladin1128

    Making the woods scarier.

    How about fleece jackets to prevent or slow heat loss?