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Everything posted by getsomeswag

  1. i cant figure out how to buty a new copy can any one help my freind did something on dayz with a box
  2. getsomeswag

    i need help

    my friend was onmy dayz and add in items and now im banned what to do nowplease help im supper pissed at my friend
  3. getsomeswag

    Arma 2 AO Down?

    mine did same :(
  4. im in my name is getsomeswag on steam and justinbrewer12 on skype im in ky so im in the east timezone so just add me on skype and we will go from there
  5. hello im a persons who is 13 and looking for a party to play with on dayz so my steam name is getsomeswag no caps and my skype is justinbrewer12 thanks and hope we get to play ps im posting on youtube xD happy moding and please msg me http://www.youtube.com/u...getsomeswag