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About DaddyDaz

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    On the Coast

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  1. DaddyDaz

    Underground Bunkers

    "Limit one per person server-wide/hive-wide. Meaning you need to pick a single server in which you want this on." would suck to have your server full and not be able to use your compound. on the other hand, you really don't want to just jump into a server and have them stacked on top of each other or something. could make them instanced i guess, but that takes away from what DayZ has going for it right now imho. could make them deeper or something? server could just make it 15 ft deeper then the next one. this would allow them to be transfered to different servers. idk, just tossin out ideas.
  2. And stand alone by the end of the year. Between that and the underground compounds w/ security, i thought it was good interview.
  3. DaddyDaz

    Where do I find a water bottle?

    No stupid questions. Was wondering the same a lil bit ago.
  4. DaddyDaz

    Friends System

    yeah, this is a good idea. kind of confusing as it is.
  5. +1 to this idea. good call.
  6. DaddyDaz

    Realistic? Remove the ability to respawn.

    can't tell if he was trolling or just wasn't clear about what his idea was.
  7. DaddyDaz

    Start us off with NOTHING please

    could try and make it harder on you to play i guess? tryin to think of a reason. lol. some people like to make things more difficult.
  8. DaddyDaz

    Group Spawn

    yeah, i can see both sides of this. on option to turn this on or off would be cool i guess.