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About Volteker

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  1. I love that hill. My first priority as a new spawn is to snag a hatchet and head straight there on a high pop server. Chop some bush wookies up then roll around in their epic loots and tears like scrooge mcduck in money
  2. Volteker

    Hackers are cowards

    Wait. Sooo you got shot at a heli crash? Damn guess that makes me a hacker as well since I shoot Alt-F4 commandos like you at helis all the time. You didn't just magically know it was a hacker. You had no idea until you decided to try and vanish with your uber-l33t 2 button combo -_-
  3. Volteker

    A true hero on DayZ

    Hackers hunting hacker? Hackception!
  4. I had some poor fool spawn on me while I was searching the fire station at NW Airfield. I had just checked the top floor and was heading back down, scared the hell outta me and I sprayed a few shots into his face. I'd imagine he was pissed when he finished loading in.
  5. Volteker

    Run Speed Variance?

    I've noticed it myself. I normally leave my squad in the dust, even toting an AS50 or an LMG.
  6. Save your NATO rounds for chopper hunting when the patch comes out.
  7. Find a server that updates fairly frequently and you'll be more likely to find vehicles as well as heli crashes. Or just do like my group and cruise the north looking for camps to steal them from :P
  8. I don't really mind the changes to pistol damage, though a 1/4 damage nerf would've been more preferable, but the nerf to smgs and Warsaw Pact weapons makes them almost useless. Good luck killing those Alt-F4 commandos.
  9. Volteker

    Czech Backpacks

    Eh, I have the market in Cherno spawn nothing but watches and maps, along with 1 pile of empty cans IIRC. Gotta love that random spawn chance
  10. Volteker

    Things that Amplified KoS

    Removal of global definitely ramped up the KoS. If the server I'm on has side chat then I usually have no problems finding somebody to run with when 'm not with my main group. It also facilitates trade.
  11. Volteker

    Rocket is a sadistic bear f**ker

    OP its not "our" mod. It's "his" mod. You're not a customer who payed for a product.
  12. Volteker

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    Hmmm, this is interesting. I'm not one for punishing bandits but would it be possible to reduce the spawn rates of someone with a murder on their record? Let's say just for a day, with no repercussions to killing bandits on either side. This could make it more profitable to commit banditry by robbing rather than killing as you would still be able to obtain loot at a decent rate. You could still be a "shoot and loot" bandit but that would be your primary source of income. What do you guys think? I apologize for the formatting and any grammatical errors as I'm posting this from my mobile.
  13. Volteker

    Looking for a group?

    Steam: Volteker DayZ playtime: 4 weeks or so Time Zone: Central Reason: I'd be interested in joining,getting tired of running into large groups and being destroyed by them. I've got a mic and I'm not afraid to use it and I'm not an Alt-F4 commando.
  14. Volteker

    You know you play DayZ too much...

    When I look at my RL gun collection and wonder why my luck in game limits me to a makarov and a hatchet -_-