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Everything posted by louist

  1. I don't mind the gun or ammo spawn rates as they stand. Like the OP said, increasing the available pool of weapons and calibres, while retaining the current rate they spawn, would make finding ammo for the specific weapon you have harder. Cutting down ammo spawn rates would lead to hoarding by organized groups, while making it so difficult for a fresh spawn to compete that a single group players could dominate an entire server, which isn't very good for any server.
  2. louist

    Weapon Damage and the Undead

    That hardly fits with the lore, where these are mentally impaired, hyper aggressive "infected" humans who still breathe, bleed, and rely on our biological processes to function, regardless of their heightened pain tolerance. That is to say, what would kill a human, would kill a "zombie," whether it be a headshot, destroying organs, blood loss, or otherwise. Hell, it seems to be something of an oversight that you can't cripple them by breaking their legs.
  3. louist

    DayZ SA vs. DayZ mod

    Routine surgery.
  4. louist

    Broken leg with no morphine

    How short is your character?
  5. Watch you attitude. Personal insults are not allowed on these forums. While America is in many ways culturally diverse, it is in other ways not so. It is a country that insists upon assimilation, and can be intolerant of it's own diversity. Look at the outrage over people singing the anthem is different languages during that Super Bowl ad. Or, likewise, Bush's insistence that people only sing it in English. Or the so-called "War on Christmas." Or racial profiling. Cultural diversity and cultural tolerance are not one in the same.
  6. The book already exists and is in game.
  7. There's nothing wrong with it, but it isn't going to happen, and here's why:Unlike the UI, these signs can't be localized without recreating the sign assets and publishing a separate map for every language. That's a lot of work for a very minor convenience to players. It would also mean players would have to download a new map file (not merely the signs) when they join a server not hosted in their country. These are not small files. Having separate map files also creates new hassles for bug tracking and fixing. In addition, I suspect that the hives would have to be split, as the Arma engine treated different maps, even ones with one tiny change, to be different missions. It a lot of work for an almost meaningless connivence. .
  8. A couple points. First, there is an in game map. You aren't forced to tab out. Second, memorization of the landscape isn't something you "have" to do, it's passive and comes with exposure to the map. I didn't pore over the map to get to this point, I merely played. Third, the game isn't set in an English nation, and the setting is a huge part of the game.
  9. louist

    Most active CIty

    Ditto. Checked out Svet over the weekend with some friends, and we came across a number of players. It also has a lot of decent spawns. We came across one of each rifle (though no pistols), and plenty of Mosin attachments. (Those players supplied everything else we were looking for. A fully upgraded M4, hundreds of rounds, lots of ammo and protector cases, and so on. Thanks, and play again!)
  10. Hardly. Being able to read it or no, just compare it to the map. Anyway, it becomes moot after a bit of playing, as you learn to recognize the landscape.
  11. The problem I encounter is exactly the one you describe. If I miss a shot (which happens often enough, I'm not fantastic) and they hide behind cover, I find they are just as likely log out as to continue fighting. That leaves me with a conundrum: do I rush up in the "hopes" (a terrible way to put it, but with the current system, it's accurate enough) that they are logging out, or do I keep my position in case they aren't logging out, but are waiting for me to place myself at a disadvantage?I can't wait until grenades are introduced so I can flush people from cover. Edit: Ideally, I'd like to see a system in place where some sort of suppression mechanic is introduced. Say, if bullets are impacting near you, or flying over your head, it interrupts or resets the logout process.
  12. louist

    Melee or Gun Fights.

    Melee fights are messy and with the Arma tradition of handling melee horribly, really isn't very satisfying. Gun fights all the way.
  13. louist

    Weapon Damage and the Undead

    I can see a shovel failing to kill with a smack to the head, but a decent hit with a bat? I can see that doing some real damage.
  14. louist

    Stealthy or Aggressive?

    I stealth to the point where I can kill them.
  15. louist

    do loots spawn at gas stations?

    DayZDB lists what is intended to spawn, but isn't corrected for all the bugs in loot spawn.
  16. I've still had some people give up and log out when I have them at a disadvantage.
  17. louist

    Glock 18 just out of curiosity

    Ahem: former Soviet state. The Soviet Union hasn't existed for some time, and I doubt the world of DayZ has anything left that could be considered a state.
  18. The only change if like to see is removing the timer when rejoining the same server you were playing. For some reason couldn't access the ladder down off the factory on the east coast, so I logged out and immediately back in to see of that worked. When it didn't, I tried again, only to get hit with the 5 minute timer. When I got back in, I resigned myself to death and jumped off, only to realize falling damage had been disabled.
  19. louist

    Anyway to lock FPS?

    Why would you want to? (This is a serious question, not rhetorical.) Locking can only be effectively used to limit fps, and the only reason I can think of to do that is for the sake of consistency (see fraps, Xbox one, etc) where a variable framerate might be distracting. But I don't see any real reason you would want to limit frames otherwise
  20. Clearly you don't roll with a crew.
  21. A mod has already come in and advised people not to make these sorts of comments. I suggest you listen to him.
  22. louist

    main weapons

    That depends when the latest patch was. Last time I played was Sunday. Managed to down two players with single center-mass hits.
  23. Players, in conjunction with loot respawning so a single server can support their needs. Zombies won't ever match the threat of a human being, and I doubt they will serve as much more than a temporary obstacle until you're geared up to some extent.
  24. I can land a knockout punch before a machete will down an opponent, and a buddy of mine has adopted the screwdriver as his pre-fire axe weapon of choice simply because he seems to have a knack for taking both people and zombies out with it. None of the people I play with are a fan of the machete. It's just underwhelming.
  25. louist

    Show names or no?

    I don't buy the "realism" argument, simply because everyone is essentially an anonymous clone. In "real life," since that's the argument being used, people are distinctive and recognizable. If we're going for "realism," we need a way to make people distinctive, and clothing options simply don't do enough.