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Everything posted by louist

  1. It must be frustrating to have to measure every distance in single inches, though.
  2. louist

    Browser History

    It may be buggy, then, as my list is completely random.Scratch that. I'll need to double check, but I think the last time I loaded up my history, the servers were listed alphabetically.
  3. louist

    How do you feel about melee combat?

    Fewer still take the time to formulate responses that aren't abrasive.
  4. People would run them over all the time. Or just rob them. In response to everyone else: it's not "if," it's "when."
  5. louist

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    To provide you with some perspective, 300m is about 1 and a half city blocks. If you can't tell a person from a bush at that distance, you really should have your eyes checked. People aren't ants at that distance.
  6. louist

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    My friend, that's exactly what I mean. Have that "zoom" be the default state, and have right click pull back to the"zoomed out" perspective. Then you could stop complaining. But as has been (repeatedly) pointed out to you, that "2x zoom" isn't 2x at all. You just seem to be having trouble grasping the point.
  7. louist

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    At this point you are just trolling.
  8. louist

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    For those complaining: just set the "zoomed" view as default, and have right like pull the camera back. Now you can actively "scan your surroundings," and have no need to complain about what is, in reality, a mechanism designed to counter the game's inability to replicate human sight. Now you can stop getting hung up on the term "zoom." Problem solved.
  9. This is, in Rocket's own words, an MMO. Hell, go back to steam and check the trailer.
  10. louist

    Would phones/internet work in Case of Apocalypse

    The phone lines would be fine. It's the switching and routing station that would be the problem, and there is no building that fits the bill in Cherno, thus it must exist outside the map. Even if it did exist in one of the map's buildings, knowing where to begin in restarting, trouble shooting, and maintaining such a system would be a rare skill. As has been pointed out earlier, a straight phone to phone connection is relatively easy to do and requires little electricity. The problem arises, though, then you want multiple connections, and the more you need, the increasingly complex it becomes, first requiring a small switchboard, then a large warehouse's worth, then, when you have too many connections for humans to manually oversee, you need a mechanical system to automate it. And of it continues to grow, you'd want a digital system. These systems require a fair bit of electricity. Enough, I would wager, to necessitate a proper power grid, not simply a portable generator. The problem with Cherno is that the automated system that controls the infrastructure already in place exists outside of Cherno itself, making the existing infrastructure essentially useless as is. You would have an easier time stripping the lines out, and creating your own localized system from scratch.
  11. louist

    Would phones/internet work in Case of Apocalypse

    I'm sure research has been conducted by major nations on such a question, and perhaps you could fine the reports online if you looked. That said, intuition leads me to suspect that, while the infrastructure for such systems would remain fairly intact in the case of a zombie apocalypse, the systems and servers that regulate them would not. Electricity would be your main culprit, as power plants fail or are shut down. Even if power remained on or was restored in your region, I don't believe either the phone or Internet are compartmentalized enough to allow either to function when the majority of their grids are down. And all those servers you would rely on, such as google's and Microsoft's, not to mention all the countless smaller servers, which host every website you've ever used, would have to be restored in order for you to access them. That said, if you had power, and laid a cable from one computer to another, you could create a wide area network from scratch. Edit: as an experiment, run an ip trace on these forums, and count the number of servers and routers your connection has to pass through in order to reach it. Likely it will pass through not just multiple cities, but multiple countries.
  12. I think merely holding don't the left mouse button after firing (or whatever button you assign to fire) would be simplest. Click it to have it act as it does now, or click and hold it to fire but delay clearing the chamber. That way nothing changes for those who don't need the change, and there's less fumbling for those who do. That's they way it works in other games (Red Orchestra, Battlefield), and it's quite intuitive.
  13. Up to two hours, frequently less. I play when I have time to burn, which isn't terribly often.
  14. louist

    How do you feel about melee combat?

    It isn't an alpha issue, it's an Arma issue. The engine was never designed with melee in mind, which is why fire axes in the mod require reloading and make bullet ricochet sounds when they hit walls (in fact, I believe they still do in SA.
  15. louist

    How would you like to see loot respawning done?

    I like two hours. It's a short enough time to do a full walk around the map without running into the same stuff, while also being long enough to discourage camping one area and to create some tension and disperse players on fuller servers.
  16. louist

    How do you feel about melee combat?

    It's incredibly wonky, but there are limits as to what this engine is capable of. I'd love to see melee combat refines, but I doubt we'll get any major changes.
  17. louist

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    The engine, even with further optimization, will never reach that point. It's an old engine with a lot of limitations, which are still evident in the version Arma III uses.
  18. louist

    Doors With Noise Do You Want It

    Given the state of many buildings, I doubt doors are as well oiled as they seem to be now. I'd like to have them squeak. OP: A poll would be an easier way to judge people's preference.
  19. One thing I think bolt action rifles need is the ability to hold off clearing the chamber. When firing shots at a distant target, the automatic clearing makes it impossible to see where the shot landed. Other games (like Red Orchestra) allow you to delay that action by holding down the fire button.
  20. louist

    Reloading sound when logging in

    True enough, but The Arma engine in particular is rather slow to load characters. At least the SA is an improvement on the 15-20 seconds the mod would take me. Even so, it would be fantastic if they tightened up the gap between the point where your character loads, and the point where you actually take control.
  21. louist

    what should i do? My fiend is evil

    By definition, yes.
  22. louist

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    I can tell you that my eyes can pick out greater details at a greater distance than the game allows without zoom. Anyone who thinks the base view represented by the engine is an accurate analog of human vision is insane.
  23. louist

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    Our two statements are not imcompatable; I'm saying most civilian clothing isn't better, and your saying they can be as good. But allow me to restructure my point. While there is a lot of really good specialty clothing out there, the vast majority of clothing is cheaply made and designed for very casual use. Even nicer items, like the down jacket currently available in game looks to be, isn't designed for the wear we could expect to inflict upon it while engaging in combat and running around a ruined city or in the middle of the woods. That jacket would quickly be filled with holes and rips. We're also playing in what appears to be a rather poor but highly militarized region. Do these citizens have access to quality survival clothing? That's my main argument against arbitrarily giving civilian clothing bonuses to make them compatible with military gear.
  24. louist

    Reloading sound when logging in

    Definitely annoying and potentially lethal. You shouldn't load into a server until you're able to control your character.
  25. louist

    Give civilian clothes some bonus?

    I don't see why civilian clothes would outperform military uniforms in a number of the ways the OP listed. They do not tend to be more resilient, weather-proof, etc, than their military counterparts. I also don't see a reason to balance them. Not all things are equal, and this is very much he case in DayZ. Balance for balance's sake is silly.